Poker Tracker Stats not matching Bankroll

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Poker Tracker Stats not matching Bankroll

Postby mickyg » Wed Jul 13, 2022 12:21 am

Hi everyone. I am playing on Ignition. The stats in my Poker Tracker are not reflected in my Bankroll.

I thought it was intially just in Zone Poker, however it is on Reg tables too.

I don't know how this can happen, has it happened to anyone else?

Yesterday it was about 70USD difference (which is over 1BI for me). I thought Poker Tracker didn't capture a few hands. But the more I read about it seems it is an Ignition issue.

Today my session on PokerTracker shows: +96.61USD

However, my Ignition bankroll balance only went up +88.04 USD a difference of: $8.57USD

If this is happening every day, it could add up to be a huge issue. I have contacted their Customer Support who asked me to provide evidence that they have been deducting or holding funds incorrectly. Playing on a site where they don't even have a running total on the side of the transactions in your player account, and funds being converted from USD to AUD (my local currency), makes it extremely difficult to work out. It just feels like occasionally money is held or deducted / not returned for no reason?

Have other people experienced similar, what can we do when customer service will not address?

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Re: Poker Tracker Stats not matching Bankroll

Postby vlwc » Sat Aug 06, 2022 9:51 pm

I just recently realized a similar issue was happening to me. For some reason, it looks like the hand histories imported have some sort of error.

I realized because I was looking at population RFI stats, and they all averaged 10% for every position. This seemed way too unreasonable, and I had a friend upload my hands into a different tracker and they showed more reasonable RFIs. They reuploaded it into a new DB in PT4 and confirmed the other program's statistics.

While doing this, I noticed I also had a difference in amount won, and realized it must be affecting my own HHs too.

I was able to reupload the HHs into a new DB and confirmed my friend's stats. I don't know what the issue is though but I guess it must lie in the automatic importing process? I only play Zone and used to download HHs about once a day.

I'm curious if you look at your population RFI and if it also averages towards 10% for every position. Coincidentally I was also off about $70. I don't think this is relevant but sort of interesting.

I don't know how to fix this issue yet, but we may need to manually import hands until it is fixed. I've tried reimporting hands but they are recognized as just duplicates, not seemingly able to recognize any error in the old HH and update it.
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Re: Poker Tracker Stats not matching Bankroll

Postby vlwc » Sat Aug 06, 2022 11:49 pm ... bber-guide

look at the zone poker section, disable grabbing of zone hands. I will try this.
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Re: Poker Tracker Stats not matching Bankroll

Postby vlwc » Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:17 pm

I believe I found the fix. Look at your processed HH folder, some HH will be tagged "MVS". I believe these are the Zone live captured hands. I would delete them and reimport all the HH without MVS.
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