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PT4 closes when opening ignition

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 6:56 pm
by peanutym
I open my pt4 and then login to ignition. Both close at the same time before login every time i open PT4.

If rules have been changed then thats fine, how do i import hands after playing without waiting the 1 day to download them?

Re: PT4 closes when opening ignition

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 8:31 pm
by peanutym
As an update to this, i only have this problem when ignition hand grabber is enabled.

Both software stays open when the hand grabber is disabled. But when its enabled they instant close when i open ignition.

Re: PT4 closes when opening ignition

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 8:01 am
by Flag_Hippo
So we can investigate this please enable logging, reproduce this problem and send us these files in a Support Ticket:

C:\Users\{Windows Login}\AppData\Local\PokerTracker 4\Logs\IgnitionGrabber.log
C:\Users\{Windows Login}\AppData\Local\PokerTracker 4\Logs\PokerTracker4.log

Once you do reproduce the problem make sure to not restart PokerTracker 4 until you've sent the files - if you do PokerTracker 4 will start new logs meaning we may lose the ones with the information we'd like to see. If you do not see the AppData folder in Windows File Explorer then please refer to the following guide:

Guide: How To Show Hidden Folders In Windows

Re: PT4 closes when opening ignition

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 11:10 am
by peanutym
No PT4 log in the folder only the ignition grabber log.

The crash is instant as soon as i open ignition software. All files in the logs folder excluding archive is in the zip.

Re: PT4 closes when opening ignition

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 2:01 pm
by Flag_Hippo
The PokerTracker4.log file will record what's going on up until you start your Ignition software so did you start PokerTracker 4 with the 'Logging Enabled' link on your Windows Start menu? If you cannot see it click your Windows Start button, then type 'PokerTracker 4 (Logging Enabled)' and you should see that option appear. Alternatively you can select 'Configure -> Options' and enable the 'Logging Enabled' option. When that's done restart PokerTracker 4 and logging will always be on no matter how you start PokerTracker 4. Once you have the logs please send them to us in a Support Ticket instead of attaching it here. Thank you.
