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hud not loading/ loading on wrong table

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 11:56 pm
by akiba
My hud is starting to not load on 2nd table, and then load the wrong hud onto the 3rd table that didn't load onto the second.

Re: hud not loading/ loading on wrong table

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2019 2:23 am
by WhiteRider
Please enable logging (Configure > Options) and if you see this again take a screenshot and then after your session go to File > Open User Data Folder in the PT4 menu.
In the window that opens go to the 'Logs' folder and compress all of the files there (just the files, not the Archive folder).
Attach this to a Support Ticket along with your screenshot and the hand history files for the session.
By default the original hand history files will have been moved to the Processed folder when you stop the automatic import, which again you can access via File > Open User Data Folder in the PT4 menu.

Tutorial: Reporting a problem
