Hud display worked one night on Ignition

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Hud display worked one night on Ignition

Postby Gtummy » Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:42 pm

New to all this. My poker tracker works on Stars (papermoney). Just started playing on igniton yesterday. The Hud worked after I used the P? in the name area to get them located properly. Hands were saved to PokerTracker. Stats will not display in poker tracker and it did not track my earnings. Today the Hud would not display and I accidently turned off Poker Tracker messing with it and of course it didn't even grab hands after that as table was up when Tracker restarted. Left tables and restarted every thing in proper order. Hud set up for the only two people playing on short handed table I joined. It did not set up Hud displays for others (even myself) as they joined. (Neither in proper location or just somewhere on the screen.) It still grabbed hands but I don't know if they recorded properly who the hero was in hand. This may be operator error in downloading the Ingition grabber. I am not sure how to uninstall the ignition grabber to reinstall. I saw something in another topic that mentioned interference between two site grabbers and don't know if that is involved.
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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:17 am

Re: Hud display worked one night on Ignition

Postby Gtummy » Wed Jun 19, 2019 10:04 pm

Dont how to amend previous post. I returned to Ignition and was routed to full or almost full table and the Hud worked. Still had to move the displays around but information was displayed and changed out as players left and joined. Couldn't get routed to partial table so I will have to check again in the AM. Stats etc still not showing so it may be that while HUD shows Hero it is not be identifying me as hero just position on the table. If that makes any sense.
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:17 am

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