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Igntion Poker winning is not being accurately caputured

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 7:37 pm
by cyz122409
Hi. I play with the PT4 with igniton on it's fast/fold poker, The result is not being captured accurately.
My winning on the PT4 is higher than my account shown. Perhaps its not taking out the rake?

Re: Igntion Poker winning is not being accurately caputured

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 4:15 am
by WhiteRider
Data for fast fold hands on Ignition while you play is incomplete. It ends as soon as you fold and in some cases (mostly when you're in the BB) it is not possible to infer the correct outcome. For example if you fast check/fold from the BB before anyone else has bet then we cannot know whether the hand was folded to you (so you win) or someone raised (so you lose).

For this reason, and because it isn't possible to display the Hud for anonymous players at fast fold tables, we recommend disabling the grabber for Zone tables and instead downloading the hands from Ignition to import later. Guide

Re: Igntion Poker winning is not being accurately caputured

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:59 pm
by MAR138
I came in here trying to figure this out as well because my results were way off. I disabled the hand grabber in poker tracker now and I'm trying to trial of the ignition card catcher, and the results are accurate so far. It's a little frustrating I might have to purchase a 3rd party app just for zone though.

Re: Igntion Poker winning is not being accurately caputured

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:23 pm
by Seth May
I came here with a similar problem, please check while you are playing to see if the hands arent even being captured and are not even being registered in the database. Thats my problem at the moment. Its not that the information is incomplete for a hand its that the hand isnt even there.

Im only asking because I would like to get to the bottom of this as well. Becasue currently PT4 is almost completely useless for me. Its not good for tracking results and if i want to study a hand i have to pray it grabbed it which it hasn't for the last two hands I was wishing to look at.

Not going to lie I feel kind of cheated had I known there were this many compatablilty problems for the site I mainly play at I would not have even purchased the software.

Re: Igntion Poker winning is not being accurately caputured

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:45 am
by Flag_Hippo
The Ignition Hand Grabber is in beta and there may be a few bugs so please reopen your existing support ticket as I suggested to you here if you haven't already done so.

Re: Igntion Poker winning is not being accurately caputured

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:28 pm
by dgkula
I am having this issue as well. Right now I am exclusively playing zone, and recently started importing my hand histories with hole cards after into a separate databes for analysis. I am regularly finding that hands are missed during play but loaded during upload so I am also loading these hands into my 'live' DB to ensure that my long term winrate is accurate. I will open ticket.