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Ignition Hand Grabber Help

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 10:49 am
by slewkowicz
I've been using PT4 and the HUD for some time now with Ignition Poker and experiencing modest success. However, I've noticed that under some conditions PT4 won't track real time hands and the HUD won't load. These seem to occur under the following circumstances:
1. I enter a tournament during late registration even though I have already started PT4.
2. I reenter a tournament that I busted out of.
I did notice that when I wasn't getting real time hands in cash, I shut down PT4, restarted, and got a message indicating that the Ignition Hand Grabber was trying to import hands and that I should shut down and reopen the table. Is this the potential solution for tournaments, i.e. shut down and restart the table I either late registered for or reentered? Be happy to hear if anyone else has that experience.

Re: Ignition Hand Grabber Help

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 6:06 am
by Flag_Hippo
The Ignition Hand Grabber is in beta so if you are encountering issues please report them to us with your log files. To do that enable logging in PokerTracker 4 via 'Configure _> Options -> Enable Logging' and should you have a problem take a screenshot and send that to us in a Support Ticket with your logs. You can access the log files by clicking 'File -> Open User Data Folder' in the main PokerTracker 4 window. Go into the 'Logs' folder and compress all the files there (not the Archive folder, just the files) and send them to us with your screenshot.
