I've not seen any other reports of this nature on Ignition. So we can see what's going on here please enable logging in PokerTracker 4 via 'Configure -> Options -> Enable Logging'. Next restart PokerTracker 4 then when it has fully loaded run Ignition. Reproduce the issue and take a
screenshot of any relevant all-in hands at the table and then go to 'File > Open User Data Folder' in the menu and open the 'Logs' folder in the window that appears. Compress all of the files there (not the Archive folder, just the files) and attach that to a
Support Ticket along with any generated hand history files for the session. If you haven't stopped auto import yet the hands will be in PokerTracker 4\HandHistory\Ignition but after that they'll be moved to your \PokerTracker 4\Processed folder and you can also access via the 'File -> Open User Data Folder' option in PokerTracker 4.