I don't think you can do exactly what you want - you won't be able to create a report of exactly the 2 biggest pots per tournament.
The simplest way to do this will be to sort by the "BB Won" column in the Texas Holdem > Tournaments > Tournaments > Tournament Hands report.
This will bring the biggest wins and losses (in terms of BB) in each tournament to the top/bottom of the list so that you can quickly see them.
You can then also replay them by clicking the 'Play' icon to the right of the report.
Alternatively you could add a filter for certain pot sizes using the
built in Filters so that only the hands with bigger pots (in BB) are shown.
You could create a custom report in the Holdem Tournament Hands section and filter to show exactly what size pots you like (in BB) or sort by size, but this would show all hands, not just one or two from each tournament.
Custom Reports guide