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kraada wrote:Personally I use Ubuntu 9.04 - I've used RedHat (6.2 mostly), and Debian (through Etch, I think I started with Woody?). You'd probably get along well with Ubuntu, having started in the Windows environment - it keeps things easier and tends to just work (I've gotten lazy, it's nice to have USB devices just work when I plug them in for the first time.
You can grab a free live cd to boot into and give it a try without installing anything to see if it works for you. I then run Windows (and PokerTracker 3) in VMWare - though if you have a separate machine, you can just network your postgres database and you'll get a significant performance boost from that setup (even having the DB in Linux does seem to help, especially if you put the database on a dedicated hard drive).
I don't know much about your RAM/Vista issues - it really should be taken care of invisibly for you - you do need to up the shmmax in linux, but it's an easy fix (see this post).
kraada wrote:That setup will do quite well, though you need PT3 installed on the Windows machine and since the PT3 processing will then still be on your Windows machine a good machine there will help, though then it's really just processing power and RAM then the HDD speed matters for the postgres machine.
With a dedicated PostgreSQL machine and 10k rpm hard drives setup on 100mbit local network you're going to be getting at least 100h/sec on import, probably more like 150, and if you take the two hard drives you talked about elsewhere and put them in a RAID configuration, you could even do as well as doubling that, but I'm going by anecdotes on that - I haven't done any testing of machines and setups that powerful personally.
rabbitlover wrote:Ok, follow thru with me and see if I have the mechanics of this sorted out.
PT3 is installed on Windows machine; while PostgreSQL is installed seperately on the machine with the Ubuntu OS and is installed on the fastest drive (10k WD). (Seems like OS could be on the slower of the two drives).
Database(s) are then created on the fast drive. And PT3 on the Windows machine is calling up the info from the databases on the Ubuntu box.
rabbitlover wrote:As for RAID setup, I guess I originally planned to store backups on a partition of the 2nd HD (7200rpm); not having done a RAID setup my knowledge is limited; but it's my understanding the big speedup comes from storing data from/for a given database across both HD's. I can understand how this speeds up imports, but how how are things like housekeeping and defragging impacted with PT data scattered across two drives?
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