Stats vs. specific player/mouse-over stats

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Stats vs. specific player/mouse-over stats

Postby zrandles » Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:51 am

Didn't see any topics that looked like they would cover this..

I'd like to see a feature that allows me to mouse-over another player (or, say, his # hands stat) and have the HUD pop up a box with the numbers he'd have on me assuming he's also using a tracking program. This would be most useful for the players I have a couple hundred hands with, since their perception of me may be entirely different depending on how I was playing/running when I played against them.

This implies another idea that's been mentioned before - mouse-over stats. I'd like to be able to customize individual stats to pop up more info when I mouse-over them. For example:

- When I mouse over 3bet % I get a popup with "folds to 4bet"/"calls 4bet"/"cbets after 3betting", etc

I typically have about 16 stats displayed, but there are many more that I'd like to be able to refer to in specific situations.
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Re: Stats vs. specific player/mouse-over stats

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:40 am

[quote="zrandles"0yk]I'd like to see a feature that allows me to mouse-over another player (or, say, his # hands stat) and have the HUD pop up a box with the numbers he'd have on me assuming he's also using a tracking program. This would be most useful for the players I have a couple hundred hands with, since their perception of me may be entirely different depending on how I was playing/running when I played against them.[/quote0yk]
Have a look at [url=]this topic[/url0yk].

[quote="zrandles"0yk]This implies another idea that's been mentioned before - mouse-over stats. I'd like to be able to customize individual stats to pop up more info when I mouse-over them.[/quote0yk]
Yes, that'd definitely be great!
Only problem with mouse-over stuff is that there can be a lot of stats on screen, and we don't want things popping up every time we move the mouse.. There needs to either be a delay before the pop-up, or require a click on the stat to get it.
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