Brief history:
I dloaded the free trial a few months ago, I had it vaguely working, but I was doing something wrong. I got frustrated and went back to pokeroffice's new version (I loved the old version, but the new one is full of bugs, and hated it), could not deal with PO5, and went without tracking software for a couple months b/c I just could not get the help I needed. I decided I have to have tracking software and can't live without it, was up in the air between Holdem mgr, and PT, and just purchased PT b/c everyone urged me to do so b/c PT is just superior from what I gather.
Problem I am currently having:
I have PostgreSQL on my machine from the free version. I deleted the old (free trial) version 2 months ago, as I could not correct the issues I was having, and bought and dloaded PT earlier today. I click the desktop icon (PT), and then it deverts me to a pop up with 4 boxes 1 server, Port, Database user, and password, and all are prefilled except one server: localhost, Port: 5432, Dbase user: postres, and the password is blank, I was told by a friend to input "dbpass" but that does not work, as an error message appears stating "unable to connect to the database. Please check the configuration" I am lost, and need help from somewhere,
Thanks for reading,