Got it running on Mac

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Re: Got it running on Mac

Postby XxGeneralxX » Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:04 pm

does anyone have dave's AHK Hud running on a mac? I dont want to use parallels either. I got PT3 working w/ my mac version of pokerstars so being able to get a temporary AHK hud on there until the official mac version of PT3 comes out would be unreal. has anyone done this? thnx
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Re: Got it running on Mac

Postby APerfect10 » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:47 pm

[quote="XxGeneralxX"9rs]does anyone have dave's AHK Hud running on a mac? I dont want to use parallels either. I got PT3 working w/ my mac version of pokerstars so being able to get a temporary AHK hud on there until the official mac version of PT3 comes out would be unreal. has anyone done this? thnx[/quote9rs]

If you cant, the PT3 Hud will be available in two weeks (or so)...

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Re: Got it running on Mac

Postby jmefrisco » Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:25 pm

[quote="XxGeneralxX"eas]does anyone have dave's AHK Hud running on a mac? I dont want to use parallels either. I got PT3 working w/ my mac version of pokerstars so being able to get a temporary AHK hud on there until the official mac version of PT3 comes out would be unreal. has anyone done this? thnx[/quoteeas]

duuuude if you could help me figure out how to get pt3 working using crossover i would be sooooo happy!

or anyone out there for that matter! aim: jmefrisco1

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Re: Got it running on Mac

Postby TonyB73 » Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:41 am

[quote="jmefrisco"lky][quote="gjvh"lky]Im getting this error when Im trying to install PostgreSQL:

Failed to open the Secondary Logon Service: Service does not exist

Any ideas?

I did everything you described in your post.[/quotelky]

i got to this point too!!

someone, anyone, help!!!!![/quotelky]

I got this too - have you guys worked it out yet??
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Re: Got it running on Mac

Postby jmefrisco » Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:08 pm

it seems the two people who have gotten it to work have vanished
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Re: Got it running on Mac

Postby XxGeneralxX » Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:08 pm

i got it running..... Im not sure exactly what the problem your having is because im not that knowledgeable with computers so the error message your describing doesnt really help. I got some error message too but i just kept messing around with shit. when installing the PostgreSQL try unchecking the use as service box and stuff like that. I dont remember what worked for me becuase i was just repeatedly trying different stuff until it worked. I also remember messing around with going into applications and finding the PostgreSQL folder. try the create user and create database icons. maybe that will help.
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Re: Got it running on Mac

Postby jmefrisco » Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:40 pm

[quote="XxGeneralxX"adz]i got it running..... Im not sure exactly what the problem your having is because im not that knowledgeable with computers so the error message your describing doesnt really help. I got some error message too but i just kept messing around with shit. when installing the PostgreSQL try unchecking the use as service box and stuff like that. I dont remember what worked for me becuase i was just repeatedly trying different stuff until it worked. I also remember messing around with going into applications and finding the PostgreSQL folder. try the create user and create database icons. maybe that will help.[/quoteadz]

thanks, ill try some stuff later... appreciate the response!
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Re: Got it running on Mac

Postby Botch » Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:41 pm

Sorry - just haven't had time to keep up installing with the new versions of PTracker3 and POSTGRESQL. The version of postgresql I posted may be out of date, I thought somewhere they said there was a postgresql update, but I could be wrong.
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Re: Got it running on Mac

Postby TonyB73 » Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:31 am


I got past the previously posted problem - I'm not sure how, I just played around with it for a bit and it got through. Strangely it skipped a lot of the setup screens I was getting before and basically installed it with just the first screen of input. It created a new folder called PostgreSQL 8.3, containing two files pgAdmin III (which looks like a db mgt tool) and a blank installation notes file.

Now I have a different problem though. With that done, when I run PT3 it goes straight to "Configure PostgreSQL database", and asks me for the database name and server information, all pre-filled. But when I click "Create" I get the following:

Unable to create PostgreSQL database: PT3 Beta DB1
Reason: Unable to login to database (template1). Reason: could not send startup packet: Connection reset by peer (0x00002746/10054)

What does this mean? Could it be a problem caused by installing a native version of PostgreSQL in my Mac directories, and having PT3 in my Crossover directory, and the two being unable to find each other? (I haven't checked this by moving the folders, as I'm not keen to do so unless there's a good reason).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
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Re: Got it running on Mac

Postby christrider » Fri Mar 28, 2008 3:03 am


I have PostgreSQL installed and running fine and I created a new bottle to run PT3 from, but when I click on PT3 to run the program it says that PT3 is not supported by my version of Windows and that i need to download a newer version of PT3. Any help to get me past this point so i can run PT3 would really be appreciated.

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