Minraise Preflop

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Minraise Preflop

Postby Xenon1 » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:35 am

I create a minraise preflop stat, but it doesn´t work fine. Where is my mistake?

(cnt_p_minraise / cnt_p_raise) * 100

with cnt_p_minraise as follows
sum(if[(holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_p_raise_made <= 2 * holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_p_raise_facing) and holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_p_raise_made > 0 , 1, 0])
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Re: Minraise Preflop

Postby kraada » Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:52 am

This would actually show the times you 3-bet the minimum, is that what you wanted?

If you wanted times you open minraised, you would want:

sum(if[holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_p_raise_made = 2 * holdem_limit.amt_bb, 1, 0])

An open minraise is to exactly twice the big blind in all cases, and if you don't open minraise it can never be set that way otherwise.
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Re: Minraise Preflop

Postby Xenon1 » Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:06 pm

Yes I want to display how often someone min-3bet me preflop.
For example SB 1$, BB 2$: someone limp and I raise to 9$ an he minreraise to 16 or 18. The other possiblitiy I openraise to 7$ and my opponent minreraise to 12 or 14 $. This is i want to display.

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Minraise Preflop

Postby kraada » Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:57 pm

You can't build a stat that displays how often he specifically min 3-bets you, but you can display how often he min-3bets. But the stat you built should work for that fairly well. The only thing I would change immediately looking at it is to replace the cnt_p_raise > 0 with holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_3bet - then you've specifically 3-bet, which always requires a raise.

In what way is the stat not working?
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Re: Minraise Preflop

Postby Xenon1 » Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:14 pm

It counts not the minraise i.e. to 4$ at 2$ BB, but the raise to 6$. Yesterday there was no min3-bet, so can´t say if it works.
I will try your advice.
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Re: Minraise Preflop

Postby kraada » Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:41 pm

The stat the way you built it only counts 3-bets. If you want open minraises, you need the one I posted first.
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Re: Minraise Preflop

Postby Xenon1 » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:07 pm

Hi with this expression:

(cnt_p_minraise / cnt_p_3bet) * 100

with cnt_p_minraise as follows

sum(if[(holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_3bet) AND (holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_p_raise_made <= 2 * holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_p_raise_facing), 1, 0])

I get for example for an opponent 1% (1/100), but his 3-bet Value is 3% (3/100). So the minraise value has to be 33,3% (1/3), or not? What is wrong?

For your explanation, i want to know how many times i get min 3-bet instead of a normal 3-bet. x% (minraised / if he 3-bet)
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Re: Minraise Preflop

Postby kraada » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:54 pm

That expression should work then. What results are you getting?
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Re: Minraise Preflop

Postby cheetah_83 » Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:07 am

kraada wrote:This would actually show the times you 3-bet the minimum, is that what you wanted?

If you wanted times you open minraised, you would want:

sum(if[holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_p_raise_made = 2 * holdem_limit.amt_bb, 1, 0])

An open minraise is to exactly twice the big blind in all cases, and if you don't open minraise it can never be set that way otherwise.

i tried to translate it for my tournament HUD as
sum(if[tourney_holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_p_raise_made = 2 * tourney_holdem_limit.amt_bb, 1, 0])
that way worked fine for the limp stats i found here, but in this case i got the message, that this is no valid SQL.
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Re: Minraise Preflop

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:25 am

holdem_limit.amt_bb is not tournament or cash specific so you don't need the "tourney_" here.
IF you're not sure about where to find certain database fields use the blue "insert" link and browse for them in the database field lists.
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