Displaying a statistic

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Re: Displaying a statistic

Postby johanekensjo » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:57 pm


I've used the following expressions and I believe it works for me.

Are they correct?



Value expression:

amt_won_bb_headsup_flop_bb100 / (cnt_bb_headsup_flop / 100)



sum( if[ holdem_hand_player_statistics.position=8 AND holdem_hand_summary.cnt_players > 3 AND holdem_hand_summary.cnt_players_f=2 AND holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw, holdem_hand_player_statistics.amt_won / (holdem_limit.amt_bb *holdem_limit.val_nlpl_mult), 0 ] )

sum( if[ holdem_hand_player_statistics.position=8 AND holdem_hand_summary.cnt_players > 3 AND holdem_hand_summary.cnt_players_f=2 AND holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw, 1 , 0 ])
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Re: Displaying a statistic

Postby kraada » Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:05 pm

That looks good to me.
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Re: Displaying a statistic

Postby Eav1981 » Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:45 pm

WhiteRider wrote: If you leave out the check for seeing flop it will count all the hands where two players saw the flop regardless of whether this included the active player - so if someone raises and gets one call by another player and the BB folds it will still include the hand. From your original request it doesn't sound like you wanted to count those hands?

Yes, you are correrct, it seems i overlooked that fact. I got the expression that johan gave us to show in pt3 hud and reports. Thank you both very much for all your help.

If either of you are intrested, i can help with the numbers as to whats "good", "average ", and "bad", "how much average winning players lose in this case", "How much the average player loses in this case", and "how much the average losing player loses in this case" because i have over 2,000,000 hands from random players in the big blind position(with those filters) in my database (2/4 limit holdem) (for Amount Won/lost)

Im sorry to nag on and on but i have 2 new questions :O

1) The statistic that we set up will work great side by side with another stat. Is it possible to make changes to the code and create the same statistic that shows Volentarely put $ in pot? with exactly the same filters (Big blind, heads up, 4 or more people at table, saw flop)

This will be necessary to distinguish between players that have a good indication because theyre playing good and players who have a good indication because theyre playing their big blind too tight. (for example, if i only played AA from big blind and folded every thing else, the first stat we created will make me look like a monster, where as in reality its really weak limit holdem plays from Big blind)

2) If i took my friend's Poker tracker 2 database, and converted it to Poker tracker 3, will our newly created statistics still work/show with the pt2 data?

Thank you once again
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Re: Displaying a statistic

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:18 am

1. Do you mean you want to see how much the big blind player won in only those hands where they actually had to VP$IP preflop, as opposed to those where he saw the flop for "free"?
All you need to do is duplicate your stat and column and add "AND holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_vpip" to the expression.

Or do you mean you want to see the % of the time that they had VP$IP when they saw the flop in that situation?
If you mean this, then have a look at how the VP$IP stat is built, duplicate it and add your additional checks to the expressions for both columns.
There are examples of how to create "percentage" stats in the Custom Statistics and Reports FAQ.

2. Yes - once the data is imported into PT3 ("convert" doesn't actually convert, it imports the hands) you have full information (all the PT3 stats/database fields) available so your new stats will work fine.
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Re: Displaying a statistic

Postby Eav1981 » Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:06 pm

Here is my code for %

is it right?


sum( if[ holdem_hand_player_statistics.position=8 AND holdem_hand_summary.cnt_players > 3 AND holdem_hand_summary.cnt_players_f=2 AND holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw AND
holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_vpip, 1, 0 ] )

sum( if[ holdem_hand_player_statistics.position=8 AND holdem_hand_summary.cnt_players > 3 AND holdem_hand_summary.cnt_players_f=2 AND holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw, 1 , 0 ])

(Cnt_vipp_oppBBhu/Cnt_vippBBhu) * 100

I checked it in three different instances for around 100 hands each, it seems to work for me.
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Re: Displaying a statistic

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:59 pm

I think you've labelled your columns the wrong way round here, but other than that it looks good, given what you're trying to do.
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Re: Displaying a statistic

Postby Eav1981 » Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:01 pm

Thank you so much for all your help, i spent the last few days creating a bunch of different statistics for Small/Big blinds only that i will be able to hang up in the pop up/hud window and i feel like i got the hang of writing my own codes.

I have ran into a small problem, When i look at the statistics in the reports window, At the very bottom where the Totals/average Lines are, it is not adding up at all (just says 100). The totals line works perfectly for all of Poker Trackers Base stats and adds them up and averages them correctly

My second problem is not related to reports but i figured i would ask any ways, my statistics window in game wont display, it displays for every one else (i play on full tilt, and hud works perfectly for every one except me, my stats just wont show up) i have tried everything and i made sure to set it to "display stats for Everyone" my stats wont show, when i set it to "show only hero" it shows it, but in the top left corner. i need it to show stats for every one, including my self, can you think of anything as to why i might be having this problem.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Displaying a statistic

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:39 am

Eav1981 wrote:Thank you so much for all your help, i spent the last few days creating a bunch of different statistics for Small/Big blinds only that i will be able to hang up in the pop up/hud window and i feel like i got the hang of writing my own codes.

I have ran into a small problem, When i look at the statistics in the reports window, At the very bottom where the Totals/average Lines are, it is not adding up at all (just says 100). The totals line works perfectly for all of Poker Trackers Base stats and adds them up and averages them correctly

Do you have anything set in the Format Summary Expression field?
Did you set your Columns to be 'Sum' in the Summary Type?

If you can't work out what is wrong please export and attach one of your stats to a Support ticket and we'll look into it. Please give a link to this thread in your ticket.

My second problem is not related to reports but i figured i would ask any ways, my statistics window in game wont display, it displays for every one else (i play on full tilt, and hud works perfectly for every one except me, my stats just wont show up) i have tried everything and i made sure to set it to "display stats for Everyone" my stats wont show, when i set it to "show only hero" it shows it, but in the top left corner. i need it to show stats for every one, including my self, can you think of anything as to why i might be having this problem.

There is a known issue with this kind of thing if you have the "Player" stat in a group which is set to 'show on table for everyone'.
If you use that stat try moving it to a different group and see if that helps.
If you can't get it sorted please create a separate ticket and attach the following file and I'll look into it further. Please note which profile name you use if it's not the default one.
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Re: Displaying a statistic

Postby Eav1981 » Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:03 pm

Your replies fixed both my problems, lol

For the Stats not showing up, i simply made a seperate group(third group) and set it to display "Hero Only"! Before this i had 2 groups, one for Default Pop up, and the second one for "Player Stats"(which was set to Show on table for every one, but it stopped working and only showed for opponents)

Thanks again
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Re: Displaying a statistic

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:09 am

Great - thanks for letting us know.
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