slow import speeds because of duplicates

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Re: slow import speeds because of duplicates

Postby EB1983 » Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:07 am

I've identified 4 files that are causing this problem.
Again I created a new database and set it to default and active. I imported those 4 files using manual import.
When the import was finished there were 375 hands in my new database and 1175 duplicate hands.
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Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:25 am

Re: slow import speeds because of duplicates

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:24 am

Just a thought, since 3 * 375 = 1125..
..are the same hands in all 4 files?
Where did these files come from? Are they exports - could the same export have been done 4 times or something?
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Re: slow import speeds because of duplicates

Postby EB1983 » Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:53 am

[quote="WhiteRider"83d]Just a thought, since 3 * 375 = 1125..
..are the same hands in all 4 files?
Where did these files come from? Are they exports - could the same export have been done 4 times or something?[/quote83d]

I checked the HH in the 4 files and they are indeed all the same. The dates of the files, except for one, are also identical. The names of the files look a like but are all different. Here's an example.

012820081740051_HH20080128 Alexandra fast, no all-in - $0.50-$1 - No Limit Hold'em.txt
012820081740201_HH20080128 Alexandra fast, no all-in - $0.50-$1 - No Limit Hold'em.txt

I never exported any HH's from PT2 or PT3. So I really have no idea how I got those files other than my pokerstars handhistory directory.
Posts: 71
Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:25 am


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