Just not working properly....

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Just not working properly....

Postby renroh123 » Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:28 am

I am not a complainer in anything, and am not complaining here either. I am admittedly frustrated, as my PT3 just plain does not, and has not for any extended time frame worked properly. I have just one question to which I ask only that I get a straightforward, and honest reply. I will first explain the source of my frustration and what I have had to do to try to get PT3 working properly.

First off I have an impressive home system fast, extensive memory, and brand new... so it is not the computer.

In a nutshell (I would be more discriptive, but I am sure no one would read the whole post), I have only had PT3 for about a month or so, it had not worked at all for about 7 days of that time, I paid a friend to get it up and running once, had assistance from a PT tech remotely... it froze with a fatal error 3 days ago.

I multi table (about 10 at a time) and 2 of 7 tables had no hud at all.... then I began a second session, and one table had a hud for the first 3-4 revolutions (about 25-30 hands with no hud at all)

My question is this.... it is not my computer, so it has to be the software..... am I going to be spending hours and hours and $$ each month just to get the software working properly, or is it actually possible that PT3 can work long term without "fatal errors" (I cannot tell you how many times I have seen that God forsaken pop up) and other glitches ? If it cannot be expected to work seamlessly for extended periods of time, then I would be better off using an inferior (in potential) program that would not be so time consuming ect... not being mean, just honest.... I cannot go through this many more times..... it is just draining
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Re: Just not working properly....

Postby kraada » Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:35 am

Many people (myself included) have been using PT3 for a very long time in multi-table sessions without experiencing these crashes. PT3 can (and does) work for long periods of time multi-tabling without crashing.

That said, it is clear from your post that there is some reason why this is not the case for you. Since you are not a normal case, we need more information from you in order to determine what is going on here. We very much want to help you and get this fixed so that you can use PT3 properly. Would you be willing to submit a bug report for this issue? Having the log files described in that FAQ would help us significantly as we can see what is going on with PT3 when the crashes occur. Otherwise it is almost impossible for us to find what is causing your crash by description alone as the PT3 system is quite complicated.
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Re: Just not working properly....

Postby renroh123 » Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:41 am

I think I did everything correctly, hoping so anyway. sigh... to a regular "layman", what is explained is complicated. I go to send the log files, and read of "logging", "build 5", "alternate build 5" all of which I have no clue about, at all...... I just want PT3 to work, and not have to worry about it. Just to give you feedback; I think the staff are profession, kind, and genuinely want to help, but I have spent hours trying to follow prewritten instructions, and I got to believe the average online player would find it confusing as well. I sent in the ticket to support, attached the log files (I think and hope), and just want this to work... but if you have any commuication with the techs, please, please, please ask them not to send me a link to instructions on how to uninstall, and reinstall postgressql........... I think I would scream if that happened again...... honestly I would..

Thanks for your help
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Re: Just not working properly....

Postby kraada » Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:54 am

Are you able to obtain logging from the crashes? If you can do that, please do and create a ticket. Then send me a PM with your ticket number and I will personally escalate it to our head of Quality Assurance for investigation into the crash.

If you can't obtain logging from the crashes, please let me know what part of the instructions is giving you trouble and I'll be happy to help you get those logs and then get the situation escalated for you.
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Re: Just not working properly....

Postby renroh123 » Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:26 pm

I am embarrassed to say that I don't know what "obtaining logging" is; my appoligies, once more, I can do what I do well, but in the computing world I am just not an overachiever so to speak"

Here is my ticket number http://www.pokertracker.com/support/tic ... t_id=69200 or link.... I just played a session and it worked fine, so I dont know what the deal is (it works perfect then it doesnt) arghh lo.

Make no mistake from my postings on this; I love you guys and PT3, it is amazing to me, and I will never know it's full capacity, nor will anyone in my opinion. Gifted ppl created and improve it, no doubt about that, and the customer service is awesome. I just want it to work right all the time, and pray we can do that. No other software anywhere competes, not at all.

I thank you for your help and concern.

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Re: Just not working properly....

Postby kraada » Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:44 pm

Thank you for your kind words. I've escalated your ticket and made a note on it for you; should be receiving a reply from a support technician shortly.
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Re: Just not working properly....

Postby renroh123 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:52 am

Thank you Kradda,
David N. from the main site has been just awesome in helping me with this, and I think it may be rectified now. It seems to be working better and faster than I imagined possible, but TT is causing a crash when I attempt to use it on FT, though TT seems fine on PS (except opening tables which I think you are already aware of and working on)

I am going to post a question on the TT issue as I am not sure if you check replies on these older posts


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Re: Just not working properly....

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:22 am

We read every post, but I'll get back to you in your other thread(s).
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