WhiteRider wrote: If you leave out the check for seeing flop it will count all the hands where two players saw the flop regardless of whether this included the active player - so if someone raises and gets one call by another player and the BB folds it will still include the hand. From your original request it doesn't sound like you wanted to count those hands?
Yes, you are correrct, it seems i overlooked that fact. I got the expression that johan gave us to show in pt3 hud and reports. Thank you both very much for all your help.
If either of you are intrested, i can help with the numbers as to whats "good", "average ", and "bad", "how much average winning players lose in this case", "How much the average player loses in this case", and "how much the average losing player loses in this case" because i have over 2,000,000 hands from random players in the big blind position(with those filters) in my database (2/4 limit holdem) (for Amount Won/lost)
Im sorry to nag on and on but i have 2 new questions :O
1) The statistic that we set up will work great side by side with another stat. Is it possible to make changes to the code and create the same statistic that shows Volentarely put $ in pot? with exactly the same filters (Big blind, heads up, 4 or more people at table, saw flop)
This will be necessary to distinguish between players that have a good indication because theyre playing good and players who have a good indication because theyre playing their big blind too tight. (for example, if i only played AA from big blind and folded every thing else, the first stat we created will make me look like a monster, where as in reality its really weak limit holdem plays from Big blind)
2) If i took my friend's Poker tracker 2 database, and converted it to Poker tracker 3, will our newly created statistics still work/show with the pt2 data?
Thank you once again