endless trnmt summary imprt issues

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endless trnmt summary imprt issues

Postby potmo » Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:41 pm

After finally figuring out how to pull out the tournament summaries from the database and running a script to request summaries from pokerstars, (which only allows me to request a certain number around 60 or so an hour so that problem remains unsolved as well) now I get a pile of emails with individual tournament reports. When I import from email (from manual import tab) as far as I can tell I have to double click on each email individually in order to select the emails which I need. I have over a thousand reports to grab. I have a gmail account, but I have oulook express and could easily dl another different mail reader if this is the problem. Is there some easy play here? It sure would be nice. I imagine there are a lot of people, in the same boat as me, who want to update their tourney info but dont want to spend the rest of their lives on it. any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: endless trnmt summary imprt issues

Postby kraada » Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:37 pm

Yes, this feature has been requested many times and is planned for a future release (unfortunately I don't know exactly when).
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Re: endless trnmt summary imprt issues

Postby potmo » Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:33 pm

Sorry for the general ramblings of my last post. I'm not exactly sure which feature you are referring to, the ability to download all the emails at once without individually double clicking, or the ability to simply automatically get your tournament results updated, but I have a question for what to do now. If I download all the emails from my account using outlook express or another mail reader of some sort, is there a way to then export all the emails at once to a folder in a format that pokertracker can read? Speaking of formats that pokertracker can read, can it read tournament results that are in a text file? I'm exited about future releases, but I'm hoping for some kind of method of dealing with this now, short of 2000 double clicks!
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Re: endless trnmt summary imprt issues

Postby kraada » Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:59 pm

Yes, it can read tournament summaries in text files; if you exported all tournament summaries to text files you could use the manual import to read them.

We are definitely planning the "select all" feature. The complete automatic getting of tournament summaries is something we will consider but it's significantly more complicated (and with a "select all" feature and import from email, it won't be that frustrating to import old summaries either . . .).
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Re: endless trnmt summary imprt issues

Postby potmo » Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:38 pm

Thanks for the quick response! What about my idea of using a mail program like outlook express to bring all mails to hard drive and then somehow saving/moving those mails to a folder where PT can then import and read? That's easier than trying to figure out how to write a script to open copy and paste each email into a text file. Dammit Jim I'm a poker player not a computer programmer! thanks again,

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Re: endless trnmt summary imprt issues

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:31 pm

We'll pass your ideas on to the development team - thanks.
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Re: endless trnmt summary imprt issues

Postby PizzaAggie » Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:33 pm

I have tried copying and pasting my e-mail into a plain text file but when I try to manually import I get:

Import beginning
2009/12/13 17:27:19: Import file: C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\Tourney.txt
2009/12/13 17:27:20: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #47)
2009/12/13 17:27:20: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #65)
2009/12/13 17:27:20: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #83)
2009/12/13 17:27:20: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #101)
2009/12/13 17:27:20: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Line #290)
2009/12/13 17:27:20: + Complete (0 hands, 5 errors, 0 duplicates)
2009/12/13 17:27:20: Import complete. 0 hands in 1 file were imported. (5 errors, 0 duplicates)
2009/12/13 17:27:21:

I have tried endless times to get it straight from my yahoo e-mail but it always says downloading 1 of 1 but never finishes downloading. I even tried with a very small file of 7 sng summaries and still nothing. Entering my results manually is not something I want to do.

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Re: endless trnmt summary imprt issues

Postby WhiteRider » Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:48 am

If you're not using Beta 29.1 please update and if it still doesn't work please attach the hand history and summary files for a tournament to a support ticket so that we can investigate.

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