Unable to get the game data

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Unable to get the game data

Postby ChipSpewage » Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:26 pm

I have a PC with XP and was running PT2 but haven't run it for a while, well over a year.

I downloaded the trial version of PT3 2 months ago and the PostSqr had to be reloaded, except that it loaded itself as a new user on my computer and I don't have its password (don't laugh), so I gave up on PT3.

I tried to go back to good ole PT2 and discovered that it had to load 532 PokerStars files to update. After it loaded, all of the files had the following error: Unable to get the game date(2)... 2009/12/15 14:36:18 ET the version was Auto Stars 2.17.02 a

What do I need to do to resolve this? I want to stay with PT2 because I knew how to use it without having the database program grab hold of my computer
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Re: Unable to get the game data

Postby ptrack pat » Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:42 pm

ptrack pat
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