not loading summaries

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not loading summaries

Postby deanster » Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:47 am

Hi, I've been getting a message along these lines for some time.

[b]You have imported hand histories without loading corresponding summary.
Summaries are essential because they contain the buy in, place of finish etc.
Until you enter the summary the information is incomplete and you wont see your wins.
You can use tournaments menu to manually enter results.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do in the the results page. I press auto fill but nothing happens.

According to my PT I never win!

How do I get these summaries to load automatically like they used to.

will I be able to get the summaries for all the games I've played where I havent recieved them.

I'm currently using v3 beta 28.1
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Re: not loading summaries

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:45 am

Firstly, and not relevant to this issue, you should update to Build 5.1
Download page
PT3 Build History / Release Notes

Please see the Tournaments FAQ.
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Re: not loading summaries

Postby deanster » Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:25 am

I don't understand.

since I bought poker tracker a couple of years ago i set it up and played away on poker stars.
I could look at graphs of my wins and losses etc. It told me how much I was winning and losing. That's what the whole things about
Now your telling me every time I finish a game I've got to go into PT and type in my entry fee and tick if I won or lost!?
Is this what you mean by enter manually.

I didn't need to do this before. What's changed?
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Re: not loading summaries

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:30 am

If you are playing tournaments then you will need to either enter the results manually or request the summaries by email.
PokerStars does not (and never has) write the results information to your hard disk, so there is nothing for PT3 to import automatically.
If you are referring to PT2, I think that had an option to request the summaries by email automatically, and this option will be added to PT3 but I don't know when that will be done.
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Re: not loading summaries

Postby deanster » Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:44 am

Actually I was playing cash games before. So is that why I didn't need to do anything?

So now I'm playing tournaments and there's a whole heap of hassle involved?

I'm trying to put results in now but nothing saves.

There are no comprehensive step by step instructions for this software.

The user guides are seriously lacking.

And now you'll tell me to enter results manually again.

I give up!
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Re: not loading summaries

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:59 am

Cash games are different - you win/lose money each hand and this information is included in the hand history files.
The summary information is not included for tournaments at PokerStars so there is nothing for PT3 to import - we can't just guess where you finished. If you want this to be automated you will need to make a request to PokerStars that they write summary information - if enough people do this they might just do it.

The easiest way to get the summary information imported is to request the results by email.
PokerStars menu: Requests -> Tournament History...
Tutorial: configuring email settings

If you want to enter them manually instead you need to click Save after making the changes to each section - note that there are save buttons on the top and bottom sections of the Enter Results window and you need to use them after you enter each change.
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Re: not loading summaries

Postby hlslaughter » Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:01 am

isn't there a document somewhere explaining how to import pokerstars tournament results?

there are multiple ways to request hands from PS and multiple formats they might come in (txt, csv, xls) zipped or not zipped blah blah.

all the methods i've tried have failed so far.

is this documented???
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Re: not loading summaries

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:27 am

To import Stars tournament results you request the summary and import it by email, as described above.
You don't get them in a file, although you can save the content of the email as plain text and import that instead if you like.

If you're requesting hand histories which come in a file you need to get them as plain text.
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