I've created an Applescript that will interact with the (mac) PokerStars application to request a specified tournament summary.
To use the script, save it as a 'scpt' file. Then in the terminal window type..
osascript <path/to/applescript/file>/filename.scpt <tourment_id> ...
There is no limit on the number of tourment ids that can be specified. That being said, the script doesn't know/care if it hits up against PS's limit of requests.
I'd be interested in hearing about any improvements to this script.
- Code: Select all
on request_tournament_history(tournament_id)
tell application "PokerStars"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "PokerStars"
tell menu bar 1
tell menu bar item "Requests"
tell menu "Requests"
click menu item "Tournament History..."
end tell
end tell
end tell
tell window "Tournament History"
click radio button 1
set focused of text field 0 to true
set value of text field 0 to (tournament_id as string)
click button "OK"
end tell
repeat while (window "PokerStars" exists) = false
end repeat
click button "OK" in window "PokerStars"
end tell
end tell
end request_tournament_history
on run argv
repeat with id in argv
end repeat
end run