Stars: Razz: Levels Split Into 2. Sessions Split. $ Wrong

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Stars: Razz: Levels Split Into 2. Sessions Split. $ Wrong

Postby TomBrooklyn » Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:11 am

I just played some Razz after not playing any Stud or using PTS in about a year. I played at two different levels.

Under Sessions/Session Summary, each level shows up twice. One is marked USD. Most of the hands went into the level not indicated as USD.

Also, early on, on one of the tables, PTS showed the incorrect $ won. It was off by one ante from what was shown on the table. At that time, I investigated and found my PTS version was old. I shut it down and installed the current patch.

After completing several hours of play, I noticed some of the approx. 7 sessions I played split into smaller sessions under Session Detail so now it shows 27 sessions played, most lasting 1 minute with 1-2 hands each.

I changed seats at some tables if that means anything. (But only a few times.)
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Re: Stars: Razz: Levels Split Into 2. Sessions Split. $ Wrong

Postby ptrack mike » Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:55 am

I changed seats at some tables if that means anything.

That is why. I'm pretty sure PTS looks at the seat number as well as table name and date played to determine if you are starting a new session.
ptrack mike
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Re: Stars: Razz: Levels Split Into 2. Sessions Split. $ Wrong

Postby TomBrooklyn » Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:53 am

Hi Mike,
PTS wasn't showing two sessions at the same table because I changed seats once. That's what I would expect to see. It was showing about 24 sessions and 4 levels where I expected 4 sessions and two levels. Anyway, it has corrected itself and looks normal now.

I've noticed with PTS sometimes the Session Tab data is clearly wrong, usually when starting out, and closing it and reopening it seems to fix it.

Regards. Happy New Year.
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Re: Stars: Razz: Levels Split Into 2. Sessions Split. $ Wrong

Postby TomBrooklyn » Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:38 am


The error is still there.

I changed seats once on each of two tables if I remember correctly, or perhaps a little more, so I would expect to see 5 or 6 sessions, maybe 8 or 9, I forget. But I'm showing 27 sessions.

They're also showing up under four different levels although I only played two different levels. There is a level labled Razz and a level labled USD for each of the two levels I played.

I played 367 hands that night.
Most of them show up in 7 sessions on two levels marked Razz which sounds about right.
However, PTS also shows 10 sessions for each level marked USD with a total of 37 hands played in those 20 sessions. That is an error. I did not change seats every one or two hands twenty times. Actually, PTS shows the same seat number. It has just split each of two sessions into many.

I was also using an old version of PTS. I started playing with it after not playing stud for a year and I noticed a different issue with wrong $Won being shown. I then updated and got the new version. I think the old version got a bunch of hands screwed up. Can I export, purge and reimport maybe? I forget exactly how that goes. Haven't done it in a long time and when I did it, it was with PT2HE.
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Re: Stars: Razz: Levels Split Into 2. Sessions Split. $ Wrong

Postby ptrack mike » Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:49 am

Try purging and re-importing the sessions AFTER installing this beta patch:

I think the USD problem is causing the issue. If there is still a problem with sessions splitting after installing that patch, create a new support ticket and attach all the files for hands played at one session that you know is splitting. ... cat_id=142
ptrack mike
Posts: 1731
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