I have a few questions with regard to my new PT setup, with PostgreSQL running on a dedicated server.
1. Housekeeping seems to be taking MUCH longer since I moved my server to another room and communicate with it wirelessly instead of via ethernet cable. (As I write this, it's been 'updating cache' for over 3 hours - it used to be more like 1 hour.)
Does it strike you as peculiar that updating the cache should take longer over a wireless connection? (I.e. is it possible I temporarily lost my client-server connection and that has messed things up?)
2. Is there a way to find out whether anything is actually happening 'behind the scenes'? E.g. Can I issue a PostgreSQL command on the server that will tell me what 'stuff' it's currently doing / who's connected / etc?
3. A few days ago, I left my PC to perform housekeeping, but I *think* the (client) PC may have tried to go into standby after I left it for a certain amount of time. I think this caused the network connection to be interrupted, and when I returned to my PC the housekeeping seemed to be continuing indefinitely, and I had to force PT to shut down.
This has made me wonder: is the housekeeping process tolerant to connection loss? E.g. if I communicate with the server wirelessly and have a 'blip' in my connection for whatever reason, could this cause problems?
4. Please can you explain roughly how housekeeping works in terms of the client/server relationship? E.g. is it very much 'hands off', with PT essentially issuing a single 'update cache' command, then simply polling the server to see if it's completed?