CLARIFY STATS (AKA differances from holdem)

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CLARIFY STATS (AKA differances from holdem)

Postby PokerBreath » Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:39 am

hi I THOUGt maybe a good time to learn about all these stats spewed to us by our prog. feel free to add addit. stat explanations or requests below me..

my ? is
1) VP$IP.... IS this a 3rd st only stat? how does it work? lets say person gets 4 hands and they call one fold 3 would that be a 25% VP$IP...this knowledge will help me make use of these seeing lots different numbers than described in holdem and lack of help out there for us stud plyrs. TY advance

Oh another question already

2) this percent of hands theyve seen or out of hands play?...EX.. player dealt 10 hands....plays 3rd 2 of those times he raises.... (1 per 2 hands called= 50%) is this correct?

For those of you payinf atten. whats his VP$IP?! (20%)
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Re: CLARIFY STATS (AKA differances from holdem)

Postby PokerBreath » Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:50 pm


Re: VP$ near as i can tell this refers to 3rd Street only...(compares to pre-flop in HE)

3SR%....3rd street raise %....i think this is percentage of total hands dealt..Ex...they talk about over 5% being aggressive
if 5% that would have to be 5 % of total hands dealt cause 5% raise of hands ur playing past 3rd would be nothing.
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Re: CLARIFY STATS (AKA differances from holdem)

Postby PokerBreath » Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:04 pm

The auto rate says 2.00 total aggression factor is mid point to define aggressive and non aggressive..i know its only guide..but my data on ~ 160 players with 50+ hands shows only very small % have Tot AGGR Factors that high....i think it should be lower like 1.2% find a median...any Aggression numbers are on Y-axis...X is each individuals Number.

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