In PT3 i have got under the import/auto import tabs PartyGaming (since i play on Party Poker) selected and ticked as auto. Under the PartyGaming Configuration tab (Directories Configuration) its C:\program files\party Gaming\party Poker\Hand history.
Then once i select 'begin auto import' it begins to count the hands that i play one at a time so that seems ok. Under the Import\Auto Import\Preferences tabs ive got move processed files checked with this location entered 'C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3\Processed'.
If you can follow all that i am assuming that i need to go to PokerAce Hud and in the options -> preferences -> Poker Sites -> party & Skins tab i need to enter one of those two location
either;C:\program files\party Gaming\party Poker\Hand history OR
C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3\Processed
If anyone understood this or uses PA and PT with party poker could help me out, i would really be thankful.