WinLicense error

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Re: WinLicense error

Postby TampaThunder » Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:08 am

Still getting this when trying to open PT3 (using beta 30.8). A reboot and I'm able to open it again. The problem is I have a lot of programs running all the time (one of the reasons I just upgraded to Win 7 with a quad core processor and 8GB ram) and a reboot is a real pain in the ass.
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Re: WinLicense error

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:24 am

Running any cracked or illegal software would also cause this problem.
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Re: WinLicense error

Postby TampaThunder » Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:54 pm

WhiteRider wrote:Running any cracked or illegal software would also cause this problem.
So I have this same problem with another piece of software last week. Now that company's support department actually tried to find out what the problem was. In the end it turned out to be a false positive caused by AVG following an update. Solution: I uninstalled AVG and installed another antivirus program. Haven't had a problem running that software since.

Have this issue with PokerTracker and it's apparently because I'm running cracked/illegal software. Sorry, I don't have any cracked or illegal software on my machine. Never have, never will. Every piece of software is either freeware or fully licensed, including PokerTracker (which I've used for over 6 years without any major issues until now). Nor do I have any software development or debugging tools installed.

I guess, absent any useful suggestions from PokerTracker support, my only option (IF I want to continue using the program I paid for) is to keep it running once the software launches successfully.

Thanks for the "help".

Here's part of a reply of your's to seisbye from last week:
WhiteRider wrote:Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you had any illegal software.

What changed with me? You certainly meant to imply that I did have illegal software. Yet I have pretty much the exact same problem.

I ran this software (PT3) without issue for over 7 months (including the trial period) on a Win XP machine. I have the temerity to "upgrade" to a new computer with Win 7 and not only do I lose access to 40+ tournaments and ~10k hands I now have to deal with this crap. :(
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Re: WinLicense error

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:13 pm

Nothing changed with you - that is what our anti-piracy software is there to protect against, so that will often be the cause of this kind of issue.

Had you previously run Beta 30.8 on this computer or did you get this problem the first time you ran it?

Please follow Kraada's directions from earlier in this thread, and we'll get you sorted our via our Support system.
kraada wrote:Create the ticket and explain in detail what is going on and link to this thread - we may need to have a remote session to see your computer directly and try and figure out where the problem is.
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