PT3 hud questions (coming from PAHUD)

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PT3 hud questions (coming from PAHUD)

Postby gllen » Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:31 pm


I am converting to PT3 from PT2 and PAHud, there's a few things I'm wondering about, mostly related to the HUD.

1) Transparent HUD - In the properties of my statistics, I set "Transparent Background" = true, but there's still a faint translucent background on every stat in my hud. I have translucency = solid in group options. I want a solid font w/ completely transparent background for my hud, basically the unchecked "Opaque" checkbox from PAHUD.

2) Min Hand Stat Porperty - I might have been dreaming that PT3 can do this but I thought it could.. isn't there some way to show only statistics on my hud that have had a chance to converge? For example, the 3 bet percentage would only be displayed after I've played 100 hands with them.

3) Slow? Is PT3 HUD generally slower than (PT2 +) PAHUD? After recreating my hud and 18 tabling (stacked) on PS I got serious lag after each action, and stopping PT3 HUD seemed to definitely fix my lag. (Note: I did try the "Enhance Hud Performance" levels 1 and 3, they didn't help)

PS: I'm using WinXP and have been playing on PS & FT. My system is 1.8Ghz, 1 GB, (but, as it relates to #3, it ran PT2 and PA HUD flawlessly).
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Re: PT3 hud questions (coming from PAHUD)

Postby vicnice » Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:39 am

gllen wrote:Hi,

I am converting to PT3 from PT2 and PAHud, there's a few things I'm wondering about, mostly related to the HUD.

1) Transparent HUD - In the properties of my statistics, I set "Transparent Background" = true, but there's still a faint translucent background on every stat in my hud. I have translucency = solid in group options. I want a solid font w/ completely transparent background for my hud, basically the unchecked "Opaque" checkbox from PAHUD.

2) Min Hand Stat Porperty - I might have been dreaming that PT3 can do this but I thought it could.. isn't there some way to show only statistics on my hud that have had a chance to converge? For example, the 3 bet percentage would only be displayed after I've played 100 hands with them.

3) Slow? Is PT3 HUD generally slower than (PT2 +) PAHUD? After recreating my hud and 18 tabling (stacked) on PS I got serious lag after each action, and stopping PT3 HUD seemed to definitely fix my lag. (Note: I did try the "Enhance Hud Performance" levels 1 and 3, they didn't help)

PS: I'm using WinXP and have been playing on PS & FT. My system is 1.8Ghz, 1 GB, (but, as it relates to #3, it ran PT2 and PA HUD flawlessly).

1). +1 This has been on the todo list forever. I think I heard that it is coming soon. I hope so. The translucent background is tilting.

2). I am not sure if you can just hide it but kraada has a workaround in his advanced hud tutorial where stats display "X" until the number of opportunities has hit a certain threshold. You'd have to do that yourself, I don't think it is easily built into PT3 viewtopic.php?f=45&t=11188

3). Your machine seems kind of old and the ram is low but you do meet the minimum requirements ... isc_minreq but I had a slightly better system than yours and I also had lag at times. Have you been housekeeping regularly? ... erformance If you have done housekeeping regularly then you may want to tweak your postgresql settings. Those gave me a good boost ... 45&t=10393

I'm sure someone from support can add more stuff to help you (and/or correct me if I screwed up).
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Re: PT3 hud questions (coming from PAHUD)

Postby kraada » Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:38 am

I have been told that the transparent background is high-ish on the list. Unfortunately I don't know exactly when it would be available though.

vic is right about using an X, though you could also use ' ' instead of 'X' and then you'd get a blank space instead of an X. I used a letter in order to be able to see the color if it was available. If you want more help on this after you read the walkthrough in that linked tutorial let me know and I'll be happy to explain further.
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Re: PT3 hud questions (coming from PAHUD)

Postby gllen » Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:22 pm

Thanks for the responses and info!
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Re: PT3 hud questions (coming from PAHUD)

Postby kraada » Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:39 am

You're welcome :)
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Re: PT3 hud questions (coming from PAHUD)

Postby pt3acc » Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:31 pm

gllen wrote:2) Min Hand Stat Porperty - I might have been dreaming that PT3 can do this but I thought it could.. isn't there some way to show only statistics on my hud that have had a chance to converge? For example, the 3 bet percentage would only be displayed after I've played 100 hands with them.

vicnice wrote:2). I am not sure if you can just hide it but kraada has a workaround in his advanced hud tutorial where stats display "X" until the number of opportunities has hit a certain threshold. You'd have to do that yourself, I don't think it is easily built into PT3 ... 45&t=11188

kraada wrote:vic is right about using an X, though you could also use ' ' instead of 'X' and then you'd get a blank space instead of an X. I used a letter in order to be able to see the color if it was available. If you want more help on this after you read the walkthrough in that linked tutorial let me know and I'll be happy to explain further.

I cannot seem to find that particular information in the link provided. A pointer in the right direction would be much appreciated.
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Re: PT3 hud questions (coming from PAHUD)

Postby kraada » Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:55 pm

That particular information has been moved around - I'm hoping to get some time to finish updating that How To with that information and more in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, the key is in the Format tab.

To have a stat display as X when it has less than n opportunities you want to use this format expression:

if (opportunity_column < 10, 'X', format_number( Z,0,false,false))

Replace opportunity_column with the column listed in the numerator of the value expression, and replace Z with the entire value expression exactly as it reads.
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Re: PT3 hud questions (coming from PAHUD)

Postby pt3acc » Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:44 pm

All of this went a bit over my head. I did try to edit VP$IP. Firts i choose 'Holdem Cash Player Statistics' under the 'Sections'. Then I clicked on the 'Statistics'-tab and highlighted VP$IP, copied the numerator of the value expression (cnt_vpip). After that i clicked the format tab and pasted following in Format Expression box 'if (cnt_vpip < 5, 'X', format_number((cnt_vpip / cnt_hands) * 100,0,false,false))', after that I'm trying to save but poker tracker just gives me the message 'you cannot overwrite a protected statistics', evev though the protected box is unchecked.
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Re: PT3 hud questions (coming from PAHUD)

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:28 pm

You will need to create a new version of the stat by clicking the "Dup" (duplicate) button.

Tutorial: Custom Reports and Statistics
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Re: PT3 hud questions (coming from PAHUD)

Postby pt3acc » Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:58 am

Got it working. Thanks for the help.
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