I spoke with a developer and he confirmed it should not expire before 10/16, and I do not know at this point what is causing the warning. The expiration is solely to keep people using more recent versions of our software as the software will continue to improve and evolve - upgrades to the PT3 line will not cost more. As there are clearly several people experiencing this problem we will certainly try to investigate further and attempt to determine what is causing these errors so far in advance of when the software should be expiring. It should continue to work until 10/16 - but if it does cease functioning the latest Beta will work immediately upon installation.
Well today it has expired and I can no longer run it.
I am in Europe by the way could it be a MM/DD vs DD/MM problem.
The Beta version installed ok. So I guess you should remove the release version from your downloads!
Another REALY BAD thing about the software expiring is that one cant do a backup of the DB's before upgrading.
I understand that beta software should and usually does expire, but I firmly believe that it is wrong for a release version to "expire"