Customized Table Types Gone?

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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby Dutchraise72 » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:09 pm

Is it possible to automaticly mark the 20 table sit en go on pokerstars a 20table sit en go's? Now its get automaticly imported als MTT.

Sample, if i play the 180 man 3$ rebuy turbo or the 12$ 180 men on stars its marked as MTT not as 20 table sit en go.
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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:44 am

It should be detected as MTT 20-table SNG. If not, please attach a few example hand history files to a Support ticket and tell us exactly what type each tournament was and we'll see if we can update the rules to detect them correctly.
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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby TampaThunder » Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:09 am

WhiteRider wrote:Since the structure has changed it doesn't look as if these custom types can be kept, but you can certainly set the type of multiple tournaments at once. You can shift-click or control-click to select multiple tournaments and change the type of all the selected tournaments at once.

I could've sworn I tried to shift-click/control-click quite a while ago when I first was changing table types but I guess not. This is a great tip and will save loads of time. Thanks much.
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