Filter for Cbet

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Filter for Cbet

Postby BudELee » Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:30 pm

I'm sure I must be spazzing but somehow I'm not getting the right numbers when I filter for Flop CBet. In this 1073 hand sample, I filtered for "Any Raise" preflop. My "PFR" for that sample was 12.49% and the filter checks out by showing me 134 hands. Now of those 134 hands I CBet the flop 64.29% but the filter is only giving me 18 resulting hands instead of 86. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? These last couple of days it's been happening. Worked fine until recently. Tried installing v3.06.3 but no change.

Thank You.
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Re: Filter for Cbet

Postby kraada » Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:53 pm

You can have a hand in which you have raised preflop but not had a chance to cbet. If you raise and get 3-bet and call, your PFR goes up but you did not have a chance to cbet the flop. If you want to see how many times you cbet given you had the chance to, you can add Cbet Flop to the Player Statistics report on your General tab and see that directly with no filtering required.
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Re: Filter for Cbet

Postby BudELee » Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:23 pm

I understand what you're saying but I'm interested in looking for bright spots and leaks with the filter feature. I want to know what my results are when I raise first in and then cbet the flop. I actually did cbet 86 times but the filter is only grabbing 18. It's happening across the board when I check the cbet box on the actions tab pre flop no matter what other actions I pair it with. For instance when I 3bet pre flop and ask for cbets on the flop, it's only giving me very few hits. Is there a way to check that calculation? Could the formula have been messed up somehow?
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Re: Filter for Cbet

Postby kraada » Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:19 pm

Then you want to filter for Raise First In, not Any Raise - they're different filters which will result in different hands being included.

Also, the samples can be a lot smaller than you might think. If you RFI 10% (just to keep math simple), and everyone else also opens 10% of hands, and if you get 3-bet or otherwise don't get a chance to cbet 5% of the time:

Say we're playing 6-max:

UTG: 9.5% of hands you get dealt in you have a cbet opportunity (you RFI 10% and 95% of those you get to cbet so 9.5% of the time you get dealt a hand UTG you get a cbet opportunity).
HJ: 8.5% of hands you get dealt in you have a cbet opportunity (they RFI 10%, plus the above considerations)
CO: 7.7%
BTN: 7%
SB: 6.2%
BB: 5.5%

The average here is about 8.5% of hands. So if you had played 1000 hands you'd have about 85 cbet opportunities. You're a little wider - but you have more oppotunities, so that works out. It doesn't really sound that far off, you just need to remember you fold a lot of hands and sometimes even when you raise, you don't get a chance to cbet for one of a variety of reasons.
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Re: Filter for Cbet

Postby BudELee » Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:44 pm

I follow your logic but the numbers aren't following. Here are the actual results so you can see the problem I've having:

Filter for games played on 2010/08/19: result 1,073 hands

On the "General Tab", we have on the bottom under "Player Statistics": Hands 1,073, RFI 18.84%, CBet 64.29% (among other stats)

Now Filter for games played 2010/08/19 and RFI pre flop: result 110 hands

On the "General Tab", we have on the bottom under "Player Statistics": Hands 110, Cbet 64%

Now Filter for games played 2010/08/19 and RFI pre flop and Cbet flop: result 16 hands????

Should be 70 hands not 16 right?

Do I need to reinstall maybe? It's just the last 48 hours that this has been happening. Thanks for all your help.
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Re: Filter for Cbet

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:50 am

Now Filter for games played 2010/08/19 and RFI pre flop: result 110 hands

On the "General Tab", we have on the bottom under "Player Statistics": Hands 110, Cbet 64%

At this point, if you mouse-over the 64% it will tell you the times and opportunities - what are those values?

The filter for RFI preflop is NOT the same as the opportunity to c-bet. If someone 3-bets you, or everyone folds, or you get an out of position caller who bets into you on the flop then you do not have an opportunity to c-bet.
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Re: Filter for Cbet

Postby BudELee » Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:48 pm

Thank you. I get it now. Sorry to be a nuisance. Thanks for the tips.
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Re: Filter for Cbet

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:06 am

No problem - you're welcome.
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