HUD: mucked cards position

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HUD: mucked cards position

Postby janne_oksanen » Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:00 pm

Every time I use Configure Statistics the HUD resets mucked cards positions back to default. So every time I edit something I have to reposition them and it kinda sucks 'cause I don't know any other way doing this than waiting for hands to get shown down. First impression of the HUD is that it's going to ROCK! Nice work guys!
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Re: HUD: mucked cards position

Postby dj11 » Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:12 pm

Do you use a larger window? I found that I could move the info boxes, and then click on the very tiny PT3 logo (above the cashiers chip rack on Stars), and save the layout and that problem disappeared. However, those cards that extend the hand and are a new feature, are not set up right for a resized window, and as yet I have found no way to move them.
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Re: HUD: mucked cards position

Postby Josh » Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:39 pm

The mucked cards positions aren't yet saved with your layout. This will be changing soon.
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