ptrack mike wrote:Click Start > Run... > services.msc. Then click OK. Find PostgreSQL Database Service(s) in the list and then right-click, Start.
I clicked start/run/services.msc then hit start on the window below. I got this:

ptrack mike wrote:Click Start > Run... > services.msc. Then click OK. Find PostgreSQL Database Service(s) in the list and then right-click, Start.
ptrack mike wrote:I've never seen that error, but it has happened to a PT3 user: ... 17&t=21441
I'm assuming since previously you said you didn't change anything on you computer that you didn't reinstall PostgreSQL, but see if any of that thread applies to you and helps.
ptrack mike wrote:Did you reinstall PostgreSQL or install any program (like PT3) that uses a PostgreSQL database? That's the only thing I can think of that might cause this to just start happening.
At this point you should probably reinstall PostgreSQL. See the 4th post in this thread by ptrack pat:
Note: When you go to the link in step 6 you should get the latest 8.2 version from here: Select
ptrack mike wrote:Do you need Microsoft SQL Server 2008? Try uninstalling Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and see if PostgreSQL can then be started.
The PTS error is a result of the PostgreSQL server not running.
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