15 day trial version of Hold'em

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15 day trial version of Hold'em

Postby motorshop » Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:38 am

Hello! I only play in NL Holdem, but when you connect the test (60 days) version, instead of some accidentally activated Omaha.
And after that, I can not register a 15-day trial version of Texas Hold'em, although I do everything according to instructions.
Hold'em is simply not active as a button ..
Please help.
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Re: 15 day trial version of Hold'em

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:32 am

Are you talking about PT3 rather than PT2? (This is the PT2 section of the forum)
In PT3 you should be able to use the 60 day trial of both holdem and omaha at the same time (any start date is possible for both) - the trial is only 15 days for one module when you have purchased the other.

I'm not sure from your post exactly what you have activated - can you tell us exactly what you have done, and what options you now have? Are you able to click on the holdem or omaha tabs, or both, or neither?
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Re: 15 day trial version of Hold'em

Postby trackpok » Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:34 am


i,ve same probleme with Poker Tracker 3: "...accidentally activated Omaha. And after that, I can not register a 15-day trial version of Texas Hold'em..."

it's simply, i've just the option for Omaha and there is write "0 days for holdem". :?

thus I cannot test a version holdem...and after plusior installation it is not possible to choose "Holdem"

how to make to be able to test and capacity to buy after?

on standby of your answer and your comprehension for my bad English ;)

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Re: 15 day trial version of Hold'em

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:28 am

Are you saying that you have never used the PT3 trial for holdem?
Did you enable the trial for omaha, or have you bought an omaha license?
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Re: 15 day trial version of Hold'em

Postby trackpok » Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:23 am

HEY, thanks

Are you saying that you have never used the PT3 trial for holdem?

No, never.......maybe "Poker Tracker 2" a long time ago without using it :?: :!: :?:

Did you enable the trial for omaha, or have you bought an omaha license?

just enable the trial for Omaha by accident! :roll:

I have all to test I does not understand!....it is serious doctor? :D
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Re: 15 day trial version of Hold'em

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:18 am

PT2 is completely separate from PT3, so that would not affect your trial.
Please create a Support ticket and explain the situation and we'll see if we can sort out what is going on.
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Re: 15 day trial version of Hold'em

Postby trackpok » Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:35 am

OK! I made a tiket support! I am nevertheless impatient to test this software ;)

thank you for your assistance and your information

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