Bug: last hand staying on screen

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Re: Bug: last hand staying on screen

Postby frogster » Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:34 pm

Josh, the last hand stays on my screen about 1 out of every 3 or 4 hands. Also, the last hand shown down by a player will linger. I can drag them out of the way, which is what I do. They typically disappear during the next hand. It happens on both single table sit and goes and in multi-table tourneys.
Also, the stats do not line up under/near each player - they seem to be to the left and a bit too high for each player. After I move the stats to the correct position, it isn't long before they "unstick" and go back to their original, incorrect, position. I just finished a single table sit and go and it occurred probably ten times in a little over an hour.
Also, when i make a table 1/4 size, the stats do not get smaller or move at all. The table is 1/4 size, but the stats are spread out all over the screen.
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Re: Bug: last hand staying on screen

Postby Josh » Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:13 pm

Please reproduce this on a single table (make sure all other hand history files are cleared out so PT3 isn't importing them). Once it occurs a few times, attach the PokerTracker.log file along with the hand history file for the session to a support ticket. Please be sure to reference this thread.
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Re: Bug: last hand staying on screen

Postby frogster » Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:56 pm

sorry, but i don't know how to do what you're requesting. i'll gladly do it if you tell me how.
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Re: Bug: last hand staying on screen

Postby Josh » Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:33 pm

What part aren't you sure about?
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Re: Bug: last hand staying on screen

Postby frogster » Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:24 am

Sorry, but I'm a poker tracker novice and can't make sense of your request. I don't know what a pokertracker.log file is much less how to do what you want me to do with it. Same with a support ticket. Probably someone else with more experience will have the same problem.
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Re: Bug: last hand staying on screen

Postby APerfect10 » Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:21 pm

frogster wrote:Sorry, but I'm a poker tracker novice and can't make sense of your request. I don't know what a pokertracker.log file is much less how to do what you want me to do with it. Same with a support ticket. Probably someone else with more experience will have the same problem.

Open 'My Computer' and browse to your main PokerTracker 3 directory which is typically "C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3". Look for the file named 'PokerTracker.log' or 'PokerTracker' (Text document). Then follow this link to create a support ticket. At the bottom of the message there is a 'Browse' button. Click browse and browse to and select the file I mentioned previously -> OK. Then click 'Attach' and submit your message.

Best regards,

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Re: Bug: last hand staying on screen

Postby fairnbalncd » Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:02 pm

same thing is happening to me at full tilt... hands either linger or actually won't go away after a showdown... i go back into PT3 and turn off the HUD and then turn it back on and it will stop for awhile...
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