
Hold'em or Poker Tracker Hold'em related posts go here


Postby cjpoker22 » Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:25 pm

I played 2 sessions this morning, and PT and the hud worked fine. I get the little update messages and that I need to reregister and things go bad. Now I pull up pt and I can't access my database at all. I get error messages and to top it all off the hud can't read data or so the little message said. Does anyone know what is going on or having the same problems?
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Re: wtf?

Postby APerfect10 » Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:43 pm

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Re: wtf?

Postby ptrack pat » Sat Apr 19, 2008 1:43 am

What errors are you getting exactly?

If it unregistered you then send me the new product ID from the Help/About Poker Tracker window using the support system
ptrack pat
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Re: wtf?

Postby cjpoker22 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 2:14 am

When I pull up pt it says in a ODBC Microsoft Access Driver Login Failed pop up box--"Could not find file 'C:\ProgramFiles\PokerTracker V2\ptrack.mdb'. I click ok and then a login box pops up. Data Source, PTRACK and an auth with login name and password. In the login name box admin is typed in already. it has ok cancel database and help on the side. If I click ok it goes back and forth between those two boxes. If I hit cancel a box that says database error pops up and a big red x. unable to connect to the database. The message says, 100-No data was found to satisfy the request. When I try to view my ring game stats it pops up datawindow error, database transaction information not available. Call SetTrans or SetTransobject function. If I click on ok it brings up an empty database. If I try to bring up the hud I get the same tow alternating boxes of login and odbc login failed. I hope this helps
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Re: wtf?

Postby ptrack pat » Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:36 am

The patch wouldn't have touched your database, all it contains are the program files.

Are you using Vista on this computer? If so, are you sure you are starting PT using 'run as adminstator'? Does Vista prompt you to cancel/allow PT to run every time, it should be.
ptrack pat
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Re: wtf?

Postby cjpoker22 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:14 am

yes everytime. It worked fine this afternoon in my session. Yes vista is on my computer though.
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Re: wtf?

Postby DSRasmussen » Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:29 am

Ive just got exact the same problem, im using XP. Cant repair database before errors pop up and close the program. anyone?
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Re: wtf?

Postby ptrack pat » Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:32 am

cjpoker22 wrote:yes everytime. It worked fine this afternoon in my session. Yes vista is on my computer though.

Go to the c:\program files\poker tracker v2 folder.
Is there a file called ptrack_backup.mdb there? Is so, what is the date/time and size of this file.

Now click on the "Compatibility Files" link/button at the top of the window. In that folder is there a ptrack.mdb and/or a ptrack_backup.mdb file there? If so, what are the date/times and sizes of those files?
ptrack pat
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Re: wtf?

Postby cjpoker22 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:13 pm

yes. there is a ptrack, ptrack2, and ptrack3 backup files. ptrack-4/17 at 2:01am 263mb. ptrack2-3/23 12:21am 804kb. ptrack3 1/2 1:37am 41.1 mb. As for compatibility files for ptrack there are four files. two small ldb files at 1kb apiece(hhdb.ldb) and (ptrack.ldb) and then two big mdb files: ptrack(274,476 kb) and ptrack backup(305,636kb). All of these files were from yesterday 4/18 at the time of the problem 6:40 or 6:54pm except the backup which was 4:02pm when I logged of a session that had been working fine. Anything else?
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Re: wtf?

Postby cjpoker22 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:47 pm

One other thing I might add. I have vista and have to run as administrator. With this new little setup I don't get the popup asking me to allow this to proceed. If I open as run as admin it does, but I can open it when the 5 second countdown box goes away. If this helps with a potential vista problem.
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