How an opponent plays vs. a certain stack size.

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How an opponent plays vs. a certain stack size.

Postby pr1mo » Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:05 pm

If i'm playing as a short stack and my opponent 3bets me preflop and his stats are 7% 3bet preflop this isn't very useful to me because this includes all the hands he has played and this number will be completely different vs. me as a short stack compared to me as a full stack.

this has led me to look for a possible way to create stats to see how villain has played against a particular stack size. for example we are in sb with 20bb and we raise to 3xbb and opponent is bb with 100bb and he 3bets us i would love to see a stat that shows his 3bet% vs. less than 30bb stacks. I have created lots of custom stats in the past and I have done lots of searching in the forum and i believe that you guys have stated that this isn't possible because stack size is only calculated looking at a villains own stats and not his opponents. so what i am thinking is creating some kind of work around with player reports or possibly auto rating player types. can anyone think of way that this is possible? lets get creative and possibly combine multiple reports. we could use the stack size report and filter for opponents who have played a large % of their hands with under 30bb (this would probably take a total hands played report and a hands with stack size under 30bb report and then combine them to find people who play 80% of their hands with under 30bb) and then maybe add them to a player type called 1 and then run another report saying how often this opponent in the bb 3bets against all of player type 1? anyone else got any other ideas?
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Re: How an opponent plays vs. a certain stack size.

Postby pr1mo » Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:56 pm

If we could create a stat that showed that we were a short stack by the formula of hands played with less then 30bb divided by total hands played and then made a player type ruling where whenever this was greater than 80% then this account would be a short stack and we would nominate it with auto rate of player type 1. if this was possible is there any way to filter how an opponent plays vs. player type 1's in specific situations?
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Re: How an opponent plays vs. a certain stack size.

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:12 am

You're right that you can't filter or build stats based on a specific opponent's stats, so your general issue is difficult.
You could certainly build a stat to determine the percentage of hands played as a short-stack, using a new column like:

cnt_hands_short =
sum( if[ holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_before / holdem_limit.amt_bb < 30, 1, 0 ])

..And then a stat like:
(cnt_hands_short / cmd_hands) * 100

See this thread for information on building a custom report based on player icons.
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Re: How an opponent plays vs. a certain stack size.

Postby sethseth » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:40 am

Do the new stars CAP tables affect anything here? I really separate stats for 20bb games or I'm going to get owned, so is there a way to use the table type to differentiate and just assume everyone has 20bb in the game? Maybe have a different hud panel that reads off a specific cap database?
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Re: How an opponent plays vs. a certain stack size.

Postby kraada » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:56 am

If you use the checkbox to use stats from the current limit only (on the Hud Options tab) you will only get stats from the same CAP limit while playing at a CAP table.
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Re: How an opponent plays vs. a certain stack size.

Postby sethseth » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:01 pm

so I should just set up a new hud profile for cap games to avoid this being applied to all my tables then.
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Re: How an opponent plays vs. a certain stack size.

Postby kraada » Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:47 am

The options on the Hud Options tab are global - they apply regardless of what profile you are using. Though I could see still wanting a separate CAP HUD.
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Re: How an opponent plays vs. a certain stack size.

Postby sethseth » Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:56 pm

wow that is not worth it then. I don't want someone's stats at 10/20NL to only include 10/20. I am screwed then?
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Re: How an opponent plays vs. a certain stack size.

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:32 am

You would need to build custom stats to check for CAP tables and build a new profile to display them on your CAP tables.
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Re: How an opponent plays vs. a certain stack size.

Postby sethseth » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:11 am

and what is the best way to check for cap tables?
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