2 Tabling on Stars - HUD did not appear on 1

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2 Tabling on Stars - HUD did not appear on 1

Postby Carl LaFong » Sun Apr 20, 2008 2:05 pm

First let me say thank you for the amazing work you've done with this tool. I will be the first to buy as soon as its released.

I've been using beta since early March ( v 5 ?). Just encountered my first performance problem today when 2 tabling at stars - HUD at one table was fine but did not appear at the second. I was seeing the hand numbers from no-HUD table being captured by import function. I almost always 2 table so this was my std "test" mode

This was also the first time PT3 was running overnight on my PC with auto import turned on. However, it wasnt importing anything - I just forgot to turn the auto import off when I quit playing.

I rebooted P3 - no fix, then Stars - also no fix, and finally my PC. That appeared to be the fix to make the HUD's appear at both tables. However, when the HUD's appeared after the reboot, the "review last hand" function did not work on either table for 5-6 hands although the other functions accessed via the logo were accessible. After 5-6 hands, "review last hand" became operable and have had no problems in this session since.
Carl LaFong
Posts: 33
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 5:11 pm

Re: 2 Tabling on Stars - HUD did not appear on 1

Postby APerfect10 » Sun Apr 20, 2008 3:45 pm

If this happens again, immediately send us the PokerTracker.log file, located in your main PokerTracker 3 directory, via the Support system so that we can look into the issue...

Best regards,

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