No, problem. I am currently at work and will open the ticket in about 4 hours.
I will send you the following file from my next MTB10 session:
- PokerTracker.log
- PokerTrackerHUD.log
- Definition of the new colums
- Definition of the new stats
- a screen shot with HUD on for one table
- a screen shot with HUD with ten tables
If you need anything else, just let me now.
Here are some information about my setup which might be usefull:
- PT3 and PS client running on a single core 1,2 GHz, 2 GB RAM with Microsoft XP
- I create a new PT3 DB every year, so current one is PT3 DB 3
- I vacuuming, analyzing and updating cache daily, i.e. after each daily session.
- for performance reasons PostgreSQL server 8.3 providing PT3 DB is running on a faster laptop (Acer travel Mate 77xx) running Windows 7
- connected via 100MBit LAN using IPv4 (Cable connected not Wireless since that would actually decrease performance)
- in addition to the recent discussed custom stats I use 3 additional integer columns in table players that reflect their (skill, games played, stake). I use this columns to color the displayed stats (VP$IP, PFR, Total AF), e.g. green VP$IP reflects a "good" player the according value in players.sc_skill would be a 5, while a red PFR would reflect a total newbie with less than 50 tournaments, the according value in players.sc_gp would be 1 and so on. SC = self customized, i.e. I manually put that data in when I do review sessions.
If you come across those fields, during your analysis feel free to ask and i will explain that in a more detailed way.
As an IT manager and former database engineer I am not afraid of tech talk. So if you come across anything you don't have to choose your most "user friendly"-language
I have a quite good understanding of the underlying DB-modell of PT3 and of course SQL-Statements. I am average at poker and obv suck at english
looking forward to reading from you in a few hours