I didnt have much trouble at first after downloading 3.11 beta, but I am having the same trouble with PT telling me that Yatahay appears to not be configured. I think I've followed all the instruction in the setup guide for Yatahay. There's really not much to it. At the moment, it appears that it is importing HHs, (though the msg regarding setup remains). This isn't going exactly smoothly, however, for I'm also getting errors:
2011/04/27 23:33:18: Yatahay Network: Hand Imported (#155265449) from Vapors-1
2011/04/27 23:33:44: Yatahay Network: Hand Imported (#155265509) from Vapors-1
2011/04/27 23:34:31: Yatahay Network: Hand Imported (#155265557) from Vapors-1
2011/04/27 23:35:37: Yatahay Network: Error: Invalid pot size/winnings for hand #155265640 (calculated pot: $0.35; reported winnings: $0.71) (Hand #155265640)
2011/04/27 23:37:16: Yatahay Network: Error: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Hand #155265743) (Hand #155265743)
Can you tell what I've done wrong? If its relevant, I recently purged all Stars and FTP sessions and tourneys after downloading this latest build.