Can't get Pokertracker 3 to work on Bodog

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Can't get Pokertracker 3 to work on Bodog

Postby drew1 » Thu May 05, 2011 11:04 pm

hey guys. I downloaded Pokertracker so i could use it the trial version on Bodog. However, i cannot get it to record hands. I clicked start site import and it shows absolutely nothing. I went through the configuration correctly i think because I had it to work for 1 hand on pokertracker where it displayed the hud for 1-2 hands.

Then now it doesn't work. Can someone help me? I click auto import and then start import and no hands are recording. I don't see a hud and it shows bodog is not recording any hands. I see check mark for running for bodog/pokerstars/full tilt if that matters.

What am i doing wrong? I checked the setup wizard, and i have bodog checked. Bodog configuration shows PokerTracker/bodog hand history.

Is it something wrong with the processed file folder?

That shows pokertracker/processed/bodog.
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Re: Can't get Pokertracker 3 to work on Bodog

Postby drew1 » Thu May 05, 2011 11:20 pm

Also, is there a way to uninstall PT and install it again? Reason i ask this is when i did this, there was an error that said it didn't uninstall everything. Then i installed it again. Could this be the problem?
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Re: Can't get Pokertracker 3 to work on Bodog

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 06, 2011 3:12 am

You do not need to uninstall PT3 in order to install it again. What was left behind was probably config information so shouldn't cause any problems.
Try rebooting and then re-run the v3.11 beta installer (or update to that version if you're not yet using it).

Download page
PT3 Build History / Release Notes

Check our Firewall Guide - some firewalls require exceptions to be added.

Make sure that both PT3 and Bodog are configured to Run As Administrator.
ATTENTION: Windows VISTA and 7 users, you must read this...

Check that the Auto Import > Bodog Configuration > Enable Hand Grabber option is ticked in PT3.
Try setting the Hand History Directory to C:\Bodog Hand History

When you start up, follow these steps:
1) Launch PT3
2) Launch the Bodog client
3) In PT3, Start Auto Import
4) In Bodog, join the tables you want to play.

If it still doesn't work please report your problem - your logs should let us see what is wrong.
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Re: Can't get Pokertracker 3 to work on Bodog

Postby drew1 » Fri May 06, 2011 5:00 pm

Hi. I got it to work. However, is there a reason why every table that loads, i need to reposition the stats everytime? I need to do that on every table that i load.

Also, i changed my cash game profile HUD and put in more stats that i want on my hud. But when i play my sngs, it just shows the 3 stats only, the default hud. Does that mean i have to configure the sng profile as well? Thus if i play sng/tournaments, i need to configure that as well? I just configured the cash profile at the moment even though i ONLY play SNGS. Is there a way to copy and paste my CASH HUD to my SNG HUD so i don't have to do it again over?

So a different hud will show up for sng/mtt and cash games right if both HUD configurations are not the same?

And do most of you guys change the HUD's 3rd stat AFq to AF? I checked and see that is not the same as Aggression factor which is AF and that was what i used back in Holdem Manager.
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Re: Can't get Pokertracker 3 to work on Bodog

Postby kraada » Fri May 06, 2011 5:25 pm

Once you move the stats once click on the PT Icon and Save Layout and the stat box location will be saved for the future and it should work properly on new tables.

You do need to configure tournament profiles separately - however if you go into your cash game profile you can click Options -> Duplicate Profile and create an identical tournament duplicate with fairly little work - see the Tutorial: Managing HUD Profiles for the details. You can have as many profiles as you'd like for all of the different games you'd play, if you so choose.

Personally I don't use AF or AFq - I don't think they provide me personally with useful data - but opinions generally tend to differ. We provide AFq on the default because we believe it is a better indicator than AF for live play, but if you prefer AF do feel free to use it.
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Re: Can't get Pokertracker 3 to work on Bodog

Postby drew1 » Fri May 06, 2011 5:35 pm

thanks i got it to work.

By the way, is there a way to scale font or something like that? Because at the default configuration, there are 2 lines. One for name and hands played. Then one line under it for vpip, pfr and AFq.

I use 3 lines. I have the default ... username for 1st line, then hands played. Then 2nd line i have vpip, pfl, AF, attempt to steal. Then 3rd line i have 4 more stats. And it definitely take a ton of room and blocks a lot of things i'm seeing. Its looking okay but takes a lot of space.

What is the preferred number of lines? Is it 2? And how many stats max should be on one line that is usually preferred?
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Re: Can't get Pokertracker 3 to work on Bodog

Postby drew1 » Fri May 06, 2011 5:40 pm

Also, is there a reason why it shows all my sngs that i played as losses? Do i need to import the results after every sng or something like that?
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Re: Can't get Pokertracker 3 to work on Bodog

Postby kraada » Fri May 06, 2011 5:55 pm

For your tournament results you'll need to enter that information manually - it's not contained anywhere in the Bodog information we can access. See the Tournaments FAQ for more details.

You can use as many lines as you feel comfortable with - new lines can be added in the Hud Configuration window using the Special Stat "New Line". You can change the font sizes as you desire in the Statistics Properties section. For more on configuring your HUD please see the HUD FAQ and linked documentation.
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Re: Can't get Pokertracker 3 to work on Bodog

Postby drew1 » Fri May 06, 2011 6:02 pm

how many lines would you say is too much though from what you seen other members mention. What about stats per line? I did 4 stats per line and it looks a bit too much and i think 3 is preferred?
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Re: Can't get Pokertracker 3 to work on Bodog

Postby drew1 » Fri May 06, 2011 6:04 pm

Also, i don't see a link for how to manually add stats for bodog. I only see stars/full tilt and other sites...
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