I am trying to import hands from the microgaming network that have been exported by holdem manager. However i get an unrecognised file format error. Is it even possible to import these hands, or can pokertracker not handle the format of the hands? The exported txt files from hm look like this:
<Game id="3771000827" date="2011-02-11 15:22:42" unicodetablename="QgBsAGEAcgBuAGUAeQA=" tablename="Blarney" stakes="0.01|0.02" betlimit="NL" tabletype="Cash Game" gametypeid="1" gametype="Hold'em" realmoney="true" currencysymbol="rCA=" playerseat="4" betamount="26" istournament="0" rake="10">
<Seat num="1" alias="bells05" unicodealias="YgBlAGwAbABzADAANQA=" balance="0.43" endbalance="0.43" dealer="true"/>
<Seat num="2" alias="indaho" unicodealias="aQBuAGQAYQBoAG8A" balance="1.86" endbalance="1.85"/>
<Seat num="3" alias="siteks222" unicodealias="cwBpAHQAZQBrAHMAMgAyADIA" balance="2.00" endbalance="4.17"/>
<Seat num="4" alias="ReneB48" unicodealias="UgBlAG4AZQBCADQAOAA=" balance="2.00" endbalance="1.74"/>
<Seat num="5" alias="Zyxspaz" unicodealias="WgB5AHgAcwBwAGEAegA=" balance="5.87" endbalance="5.87"/>
<Seat num="6" alias="Sebs1991" unicodealias="UwBlAGIAcwAxADkAOQAxAA==" balance="5.00" endbalance="3.00"/>
<Action seq="1" type="SmallBlind" seat="2" value="0.01"/>
<Action seq="2" type="BigBlind" seat="3" value="0.02"/>
<Action seq="3" type="PostedToPlay" seat="4" value="0.02"/>
<Action seq="4" type="DealCards" seat="4">
<Card value="8" suit="h" id="46"/>
<Card value="8" suit="d" id="33"/>
<Action seq="5" type="Bet" seat="4" value="0.08"/>
<Action seq="6" type="Fold" seat="5"/>
<Action seq="7" type="Call" seat="6" value="0.08"/>
<Action seq="8" type="Fold" seat="1"/>
<Action seq="9" type="Fold" seat="2"/>
<Action seq="10" type="Raise" seat="3" value="0.26"/>
<Action seq="11" type="Call" seat="4" value="0.26"/>
<Action seq="12" type="Call" seat="6" value="0.26"/>
<Action seq="13" type="DealFlop">
<Card value="3" suit="d" id="28"/>
<Card value="A" suit="c" id="13"/>
<Card value="J" suit="d" id="36"/>
<Action seq="14" type="Bet" seat="3" value="0.78"/>
<Action seq="15" type="Fold" seat="4"/>
<Action seq="16" type="Call" seat="6" value="0.78"/>
<Action seq="17" type="DealTurn">
<Card value="4" suit="c" id="16"/>
<Action seq="18" type="AllIn" seat="3" value="0.96"/>
<Action seq="19" type="Call" seat="6" value="0.96"/>
<Action seq="20" type="DealRiver">
<Card value="4" suit="d" id="29"/>
<Action seq="21" type="ShowCards" seat="3">
<Card value="K" suit="s" id="12"/>
<Card value="A" suit="h" id="39"/>
<Action seq="22" type="MuckCards" seat="6">
<Card value="Q" suit="c" id="24"/>
<Card value="10" suit="s" id="9"/>
<Action type="Win">
<Seat num="3" amount="4.17" pot="0" type="" lowhandwin="0"/>
ExtendedTableName: Blarney [186802]