VC Poker - Hand History saved in XML format

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VC Poker - Hand History saved in XML format

Postby pengoau » Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:40 pm


I noticed that Victor Chandler poker software saves its hand history as xml files, and pokertracker didn't like the file (didn't import any hands).

How can I get these files imported into PT? Is there a seperate convertor I can run or even a third party program that can convert it to text thats readible by PT?

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Re: VC Poker - Hand History saved in XML format

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:38 am

PT3 is still in beta and so far only supports Pokerstars, Party, and Full Tilt.
Other sites are due to start being added soon. There is a sticky topic about this.
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