I imported over 3600 SNG HHs from stars from 2007 at one time via manual import from directory into an empty DB and my stats are only showing just over 1600 total tournaments. it is missing about 700 tournaments of one buy-in, 140 of another (every one i loaded) and like 900 of another (every one i loaded), give or take. I did not import tournament summaries, just the HHs..and import completed in approx 10 mins reporting no errors
the odd thing is that when i click on a player i played with in one of these 'missing' tournaments, their stats show tournament #s that mine do not..ie some of the tournaments from the buy-in that i am missing show up in their stats but not mine
i tried re-importing some of the HHs from the buy-in that im missing but import doesnt import new hands, it just says "xxxx duplicates" and doesnt report errors
any ideas? did i just import too many at once?
using beta 9 obv on vista x64