paradigm24 wrote:Looking forward to the release and some more videos to see what this thing can do.
paradigm24 wrote:First something like Flopzilla would be fantastic. As a mac user, this has always been one of the programs I have wanted the ability to use and seems like it would be a great feature to have while using the replayer.
paradigm24 wrote:The second thing that would be great would an easy method of finding and viewing hands that would help me in a current situation at the table. For example, lets say I'm raised on the flop by a villain after I cbet, I would like an extremely fast way of pulling up all hands in which that villian has raised a cbet. Ideally, clicking on a raise cbet stat in my hud for that player could take me to a screen with an overview of those hands comprising that stat (including the board, raise amount, and what happened after). This type of split second information would be fantastic.
Although it is a good idea, this request is outside of the scope of the vision for PT4. Combinatorics is a fascinating sub-topic of poker analysis, but for now this need is best filled as a third party app.
paradigm24 wrote:Lastly, I saw on HEM2 they are coming out with a dark skin for the entire program. Thought it looked nice and is something you should consider.
I can assure you that our skinning and customization capability exceeds that of the current HM2 beta in the areas where it counts - all decks, replayers, & HUDs. We did not include an app skinning interface because we felt it would not be the best use of our developers time, we need to keep them focused with their eye on the prize - delivering the best tracking application that was ever created, rather than creating interfaces for changing the colors of window frame. We don't want PokerTracker to become bloated with silly features - PT4 will be a lean, mean, poker playing machine!