DB Missing over have of imported HHs

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DB Missing over have of imported HHs

Postby GoldnEagl » Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:17 am

I imported over 3600 SNG HHs from stars from 2007 at one time via manual import from directory into an empty DB and my stats are only showing just over 1600 total tournaments. it is missing about 700 tournaments of one buy-in, 140 of another (every one i loaded) and like 900 of another (every one i loaded), give or take. I did not import tournament summaries, just the HHs..and import completed in approx 10 mins reporting no errors

the odd thing is that when i click on a player i played with in one of these 'missing' tournaments, their stats show tournament #s that mine do not..ie some of the tournaments from the buy-in that i am missing show up in their stats but not mine

i tried re-importing some of the HHs from the buy-in that im missing but import doesnt import new hands, it just says "xxxx duplicates" and doesnt report errors

any ideas? did i just import too many at once?

using beta 9 obv on vista x64
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Re: DB Missing over have of imported HHs

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:40 am

First thing - make sure you don't have any filters set - click the "Clear" button top right of the main Texas Holdem tab.
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Re: DB Missing over have of imported HHs

Postby GoldnEagl » Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:48 am

that was the first thing i checked :) and no dice
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Re: DB Missing over have of imported HHs

Postby APerfect10 » Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:09 pm

Close and restart PokerTracker. Select the Holdem->Tournaments->General tab then send me the 'PokerTracker.log' file (located in your main PokerTracker 3) directory via the Support system so that I can look into the issue. The information is in your database but it appears there is an issue displaying it correctly.

Best regards,

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Re: DB Missing over have of imported HHs

Postby GoldnEagl » Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:41 am

nevermind--must have just imported too many at once..i imported smaller numbers at once checking to see if everything was refreshing correctly after each import and everything works so far. it looks as though we're only able to import 1600 HHs at once though..i did try to import a folder containing about 1800 HHs and only 1600 show up in PT :( this could also just be a coincidence that the imported number turned out to be round idk. this isnt a big deal though, for me at least, since im only using this database for ballpark HUD stats (every HH in this DB is from 2007 so im not really worried about missing ~150 HHs out of like 6000 games)

btw i was on vista x64 when i first posted. vista x64 is apparently too buggy still and i kept getting driver issues, repeated random freezes (either while running PT3 or not) and etc and it was driving me friggen crazy so i formatted and went back to x86 vista ultimate, reinstalled PT3 w/ postgres and all is well thus far

id still send you the log file, Derek, just for your testing and etc but i formatted before i saw your reply and its obv gone. sry :(
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