HUD Popup Problem

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HUD Popup Problem

Postby Boolean » Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:44 am

I'm not sure if this has been posted before, so ignore if it has. However, quite often while I'm playing on Pokerstars, when I click on the hud stats to get a popup that I customized, I won't get any information at all.

You'll see all of the predetermined text (such as Prefop raise: and the like), but for the player's name, and all relevant data, it'll be blank. After a little while, it may continue to work but most of the time when this happens, it just completely stops working.

Edit: also, often times on my taskbar there will be a pokertracker3 tab that says "PokerTracker3TableObject:Cards" that does nothing whenever I click on it. I cannot close it until I close out PT3 entirely.
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Re: HUD Popup Problem

Postby Josh » Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:59 am

No values in a popup means the initial database query to retrieve that data hasn't completed yet.

The PokerTracker3TableObject problem is fixed for the next release.
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