Stats based only on hands played vs hero ?

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Re: Stats based only on hands played vs hero ?

Postby Darvini » Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:05 pm

Sure, edit them away.

Ok, then the permanent column

sum(if[holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_def_opp AND holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_s AND lookup_actions_p.action LIKE 'C', 1, 0])

Should be:

sum(if[holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_def_opp AND holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_s AND lookup_actions_p.action LIKE 'C%', 1, 0])

So that it counts also those calls from sb that got squeezed from bb right?

Are you able to read my three columns and if so, do they look right?
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Re: Stats based only on hands played vs hero ?

Postby kraada » Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:25 pm

Yeah that sounds right and your columns look good to me.
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Re: Stats based only on hands played vs hero ?

Postby Darvini » Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:25 pm

Im afraid the columns or at least the cnt_bl3B_s columns isnt right.The fold stats I made look ok, but 3bet stats are off. The problem seems to be in the way I set the size since under 2.4 bb steals are getting 50% 3bet and around 3.5bb is getting 0.5% 3bet.

At the moment it looks like this:

sum(if[ holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_3bet and holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_def_opp and 2.5 > ((100 * holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_p_raise_made / holdem_hand_player_detail.val_p_raise_made_pct) - (holdem_limit.amt_sb + holdem_limit.amt_bb + holdem_hand_player_statistics.cnt_players * holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_ante)) / holdem_limit.amt_bb, 1, 0])

Lets look at an example. Blinds are 1 and 2, button minsteals 4 and bb 3bets to 12. No antes.

I thought amt_raise would be 12
and val_raise = 12 / (4+2+1) = 171% (maybe Im counting this one wrong?)

From this I thought Id get the steal amt just by 12/171% - (2+1) = 100 * amt_raise / val_raise - (sb+bb) = steal amt
and dividing that with bb I would get the steal in bb:s. But something is wrong. :/
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Re: Stats based only on hands played vs hero ?

Postby kraada » Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:39 pm

You're counting raise made percentage wrong. If you're raising to 12 when the bet to you is 4 you're raising by 8 more. And at the time you make the raise the pot is not 7, it's actually 9 - his 4, your 4 and the small blind.

So it's 8 / (4 + 4 + 1) = 8 / 9 = 88.888...%
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Re: Stats based only on hands played vs hero ?

Postby Darvini » Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:53 pm

Strange, since I just checked with single hand I had. I was on the bb and btn steals 3 bb:s and I 3bet to 8 bb:s and my stat gives val_raise as 178% and amt_raise as 8 bb:s. According to you it should be 5/(3+3+0.5) = 77% but 8/(3+1+0.5) = 177%.

Ill try your val_raise calc though next.
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Re: Stats based only on hands played vs hero ?

Postby Darvini » Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:45 pm

I havent tried you definition for val_raise yet since I found another problem.

holdem_limit.amt_sb = holdem_limit.amt_bb for all my games!

So instead of (holdem_limit.amt_sb + holdem_limit.amt_bb) I used 1.5 * holdem_limit.amt_bb and now Im getting belivable results.

Also your definition cannot be true since a ran through all my games and holdem_hand_player_detail.val_p_raise_made_pct was 195 and holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_p_raise_made was 8.2. So when Im making my avg 8.2 3bet to steal which are usually 2.5-3 bb:s according to you I should have holdem_hand_player_detail.val_p_raise_made_pct (8.2-2.7) / (2.7+2.7+0.75) = 89. So you must have it wrong or there something really strange going on.
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Re: Stats based only on hands played vs hero ?

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:47 am

The raise_made amount is the raise TO amount.
The raise_face amount is the amount you have to call (the difference between the size of the raise and anything you already posted).

So if you have posted $1 BB, face a $3 raise and raise to $9:
raise_made = 9
raise_faced = 2
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