I recently made the switch to postgreSQL 8.3 from Access for PT2 and PTO, and installed Beta 9 of PT3...everything is working great under vista x64 and I have a few questions. I regularly play on two computers, my desktop and laptop. I plan on datamining full time with the desktop, and would like to set up my postgreSQL on my laptop to somehow be able to update using my desktop's database. This update would be done sometimes using a VPN connection, so copying the databases in their entirety would be a time and bandwidth consuming task that I would like to avoid. PosgreSQL seems very powerful, and I imagine there is some bandwidth efficient way of doing a DB update by connecting to the desktop's DB server. Any ideas? Even better, is a two-way update possible, creating a database that incorporates changes made by the laptop and desktop? What happens if my database contains a hand twice, once datamined and once played? I will have remote control over my desktop also.
Thank you very much, I love all the products and support.