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_dave_ wrote:Just updated to the new version PT4, imported January tournaments (all turbo HUSNG on Stars) and the EV adjusted winning line is quite wrong. Probably it's doing "2" that Tarix described above, but I do not understand why that would ever be implemented, it's completely irrelevant? can anyone explain why on earth the "final hand" is of relevance, if say you got stacked and left with a chip and a chair the hand prior? Seems just as valid to take the equity of the seventy-fourth hand, even if you folded pre - as in, lol wat. Equity adjusted tourney winnings are the sum of every all-in. Maybe I'm missing something, but why would you do this please?
_dave_ wrote:Also add results graph in buyins as a matter of utmost importance. consider it comparable to "winnings". it's far more important than "chips" and "bb", which are already present in the "winnings in" drop-down.
_dave_ wrote:It's also still calculating equity very "loosely", but I's sure that's on the to-do list already.
_dave_ wrote:Some great fixes in this update though, most obviously to me in the last half hour to the tourney detection - not a single error
Voyeurism wrote:Clearly something is wrong here, and it seems like its simply to do with the currency conversions. However, as I finished second in this STT, my "Net Adjusted" for the tournament (which I understand is calculated solely based on the last hand) cannot possibly have been less than my "Net Won" for the tournament - even if the money went in with me drawing dead, I cannot possibly end up with less than second place money. The minimum equity should therefore have been $4.89.
Voyeurism wrote:This is particularly concerning because, as this hand was heads up, $EV = CEV and no "ICM" should be required - this implies that the computation of CEV may also be off, which (I assume) could be causing errors in other parts of the program.
Yogi Rob wrote:I've considered using a rolling stack based on every hand EV and using the final theoretical stack ICM as the Adjusted, but that opens up some other problems. Since the theoretical stack won't resemble the real stack, there will be lots of cases where the "real stack" strategy would directly conflict with the "theoretical stack" strategy. Also, your theoretical stack would affect the other players' stacks. For the vast majority of tourney players where ICM optimal, tight-early aggressive-late strategy rules the day, that final hand is incredibly important, and many STTs are 1-hand games. We are also neutralizing the luck factor of final hands that you're not even involved in- for an extreme example, in a DON you're on the bubble as a "chip-and-a-chair" and two giant stacks get it all in with AA vs AA (incorrectly), and player X wins with a flush. Player X got lucky against player Y and you won because of that luck. Final hand ICM based adjusted neutralizes the luck factor in this example, where the situation might not have existed at all in the theoretical world where all stack sizes would have been different.
Yogi Rob wrote:Voyeurism wrote:This is particularly concerning because, as this hand was heads up, $EV = CEV and no "ICM" should be required - this implies that the computation of CEV may also be off, which (I assume) could be causing errors in other parts of the program.
Not sure if I follow here. ICM is still used in "Net Adjusted" because prize distribution is 50%/30% in this HU situation. ICM is not used in chip EV.
Yogi Rob wrote:Thanks for finding this. [edit: fixed for next release]
Voyeurism wrote:I would have thought the easiest method for calculating ICM adjusted all-in equities for a given STT is:1. Assign a "starting EV" for the tournament - because the STT is raked this would be a negative figure, and assuming all players are of equal skill would be directly proportional to the tournament fee as a percentage of total prize pool.
2. For each hand in which an all-in pot occurs, calculate:(a) the actual (ICM) value of hero's stack at the start of the hand
3. If no all-in pot occurs for the hand, the value of (c) is 0 - that is, no change.
(b) the expected (ICM) value of hero's stack at the end of the hand (distributing chips in the pot according to the participant's chip equity when the money went in)
(c) the difference between the two - that is, (b)-(a)
(d) write (c) to the database - (a) and (b) are not strictly necessary
4. Sum the values of (c) for each hand in the tournament, and add to the "starting EV" to get the expected tournament equity.
Yogi Rob wrote:There is no perfect way of calculating luck adjusted winnings for tourneys. For you, ICM means very little, for a DON tourney player, ICM means everything, and for most tourney players ICM dictates strategy.
Yogi Rob wrote:I assume you mean x-axis would represent buyin money rather than tourneys and y-axis winnings? We will take this into consideration.
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