Observed hands PT2-PT3 alternative

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Re: Observed hands PT2-PT3 alternative

Postby diesel007 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:01 pm

Is there a way to run both PT3 and PT2 right now in order to see stats of many opponents that I have not played personally, but datamined a lot on them(and saved datamine without actual handhistory)?
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Re: Observed hands PT2-PT3 alternative

Postby APerfect10 » Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:41 am

diesel007 wrote:Is there a way to run both PT3 and PT2 right now in order to see stats of many opponents that I have not played personally, but datamined a lot on them(and saved datamine without actual handhistory)?

I am not sure I understand your question...

Have you already imported these hands into either PT2/PT3? Or are you talking about future hands that you will import?

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Re: Observed hands PT2-PT3 alternative

Postby diesel007 » Fri May 02, 2008 11:57 pm

APerfect10 wrote:Currently, if you were not saving the hand histories you cannot import them into PokerTracker 3.

We are hoping to eventually have a conversion for non-saved hand history data in your PT2 database but that is a large task and is currently not available.

Best regards,


Has it been added in PT3 already or it will be added only with the final release? thanks.

the reason i ask is, i can't start using PT3 because i have probably around 1 million OBSERVED HANDS WITHOUT ACTUAL HH WRITTEN and they are stuck in PT2, because i can't transfer them to the PT3.
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Re: Observed hands PT2-PT3 alternative

Postby APerfect10 » Sat May 03, 2008 12:51 am

Has it been added in PT3 already or it will be added only with the final release? thanks.

the reason i ask is, i can't start using PT3 because i have probably around 1 million OBSERVED HANDS WITHOUT ACTUAL HH WRITTEN and they are stuck in PT2, because i can't transfer them to the PT3.[/quote]

I highly doubt this is going to make it into the initial release, if ever. I am not sure if it will be worthwhile considering only old stats could be displayed in PT3 and this could be a nightmare trying to display new stats and old stats. (We have not yet ruled it out but I doubt it will happen anytime soon. I suggest starting to build a new observed PT3 database so that you can leave the old observed hands behind)

Best regards,

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Re: Observed hands PT2-PT3 alternative

Postby diesel007 » Sat May 03, 2008 3:02 am

Ugh, this is tough one. ok, let me explain.
I've spent like hundreds and hundreds of hours to get those hands in, but it's not the problem. I have stats in it on tens and tens thousands of players.
Switching to PT3 without this gained stats from PT2 I consider is a HUUUUUUUUUGE -EV for at least another season, because i will have ZERO info on TENS and TENS THOUSANDS OF PLAYERS.

I wonder, is it only me who had huge observed datamines in PT2 and gladly changes to PT3 with no chance to transfer those million hands or what?
How do you guys came over it? or am i totally not understanding something?
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Re: Observed hands PT2-PT3 alternative

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 03, 2008 4:05 am

The problem is that the PT2 DB does not store anything like as much information as PT3, so if you don't have the hand histories available then PT3 just can't calculate all it's new stats (e.g. 3-bets).
This would lead to complications when calculating overall stats for someone when older hands don't have data and new ones do - how would you calculate an overall 3-bet% when you have say 10,000 hands without data and 1,000 with data?
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Re: Observed hands PT2-PT3 alternative

Postby diesel007 » Sat May 03, 2008 4:20 am

If the old hands don't have 3bet information then just ignore them and start counting them from now on(with PT3), but keep showing those VPIP/PFR/agression/cbets etc showing up. But there has to be way to be able to import those 1 million hands and see that stats info in the PT3 and new HUD plus keeping builduing on the info, so the the new possible factors are will be showing up soon too.
I just don't see any value in switching from PT2 to PT3 giving up a million hands, because i target mainly fish, not regulars.

I've looked up in my PT2 DB and found almost 50,000 players in it, most of them having relevant number of hands to identify and play against, so I am very sad((( i do want to switch to PT3, but...
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Re: Observed hands PT2-PT3 alternative

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 03, 2008 4:34 am

Yes, I agree, just trying to explain the issues..
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